- Hall of Honor - Post Pics of your finished armor/weapons

Hi guys, I'm new here, but I still think my getup for Cardiff Comic Con this weekend is good enough for you all.
I am now going to be trying a full suit of ODST armour for the next Comic Con.

The idea was a simple yet effective cosplay, that will show I'm ODST, but without the effort in making a full suit.
Enjoy c:
(Note, the custom Beret badge and Assault Rifle never came off the plan, and the SMG in the Final Pictures, was given to me by a friend)

ODST Cosplay.png

If you would like to see more pictures, look at the Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/xfVuT/all
(Credit is due on the Watermarked images)

ODST Cosplay.png


Austin Masterchief.jpg

My 8 year old at Halo-ween night this year. He's wearing a store bought costume upgraded with an EVA foam armor/blaster assembly, store bought full helmet with retrofitted lights and a nerfgun that was transformed to resemble Halo type gun. Thank you so much to the 405th community for all the tips, tricks and tutorials you share for noobs like me. My son loved his costume and I could not have done it without you.

Austin Masterchief.jpg
Doing my first ODST build. What do you guys think!?

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Here's an image.

- - - Updated - - -

Is it easier to do a helmet with foam or papercraft?

Hi Madolche, welcome to the 405th. Not to be a buzzkill, but this thread is for costumes that have been completed, not ones in progress; that's what you can make your own build thread for. You can also ask for critiques in your own build thread. As for the question, it really depends on the helmet in question. I would check the other threads here. Really with any question you have, chances are it's already been answered more than a few times, especially in the stickies section. Cheers and happy building!
Always wanted to post here.



my first cosplay I do not use anymore.

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My second (well... third time revised second.)

th_image_zpsq86sp3zs.jpe th_image_zpsju54q90t.jpe
(these photos done by B. Yankasky Photography)

And lastly, my actual halo cosplay.


I recently updated my ODST cosplay, what a difference 1 year can make!
Here is my first spartan armor! I couldn't be happier with how this turned out. The suit took me about 10 weeks to make, but I'm probably never going to be done with it. Theres always things I can improve upon or design better. I will probably be remaking the chest piece at some point to hopefully get some much cleaner lines. But for my second armor build ever, this isnt too shabby. The photos were taken by a good friend and I edited them. Still working on my Photoshop skills :)2.jpg1.jpg37.jpgelite.jpgMRHalo1.jpgEnergySword2.jpgReachExplosion1.jpg13.jpgView attachment 42.jpg









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