Halo 2 Anniversary Arbiter Build | The Great Journey Continues!

wait so how are you going to make the actual arour
Perhaps Zoogami will tell us in future updates!
do you by any chance have armousmith? I could unfold the Halo 2 - Sangheili (Elite) - Arbiter in foam if you want. just give me the thumbs up.
The dream would be to construct the Arbiter's armour out of metal.
A friend of mine has been working on a aluminum Iron Man suit for a while now, so I'll be planning to use the same technics.
Thankyou for the unfolding offer, however I should be pretty good for now.
I'll be planning to scratch build it using cardboard prototypes, to create templates for metal.
[Similar to how I went about making my Agent Locke helmet in a previous build]
If it doesn't work out, Plan B is to make it out of foam.

I'm back!
It's crazy how fast time flies by... anyhow time for an update!

Since my last update, I have been focused on finishing up my first stilt mechanism.
The idea was to get one finished to test the concept, in the hopes it works, before starting on the second.

After getting some new 'machine friendly' velcro sewn in, I started making a simple fabric loop on my knee pad.
The loop is used to secure the upper support clip in place for the elastic band.
After a bit of tweaking, the loop was raised a little to increase the elastic's tension.

Arby's Knee Pad - New Velcro & Metal Clip Loop Sewn Up
(10a) Knee Pad Adjustments.jpg

Once the knee pad was ready, it was time to permanently connect the support bars & elastic to the stilt base.
Using a strong resin glue, the support bars nut & bolt were joined to prevent it coming loose over time.
Resin was also applied to the lower elastic band join to maintain the required tension.

On the elastic bands top end, multiple layers were used to create a strong bond between the elastic & metal clip.
[Tape, Resin, Paper Towel, Tape, Resin, Paper Towel, Fabric].

Arby's Foot - Selley's Power Grip Resin Glue applied to Metal Joins & Elastic Ends for Long Lasting Structure Stability
(10b) Leg Stilt Construction.jpg

After drilling a few more small holes into the support bars, it was finally time to join the knee pad to them.
Using the knee pads 'side pockets' to slide the support bars into, hand sewing was required to create a strong bond.
To do this, I looped the needle & thread through and around the holes in the support bars.

Arby's Foot - New Holes Drilled in to Hand Sew the Knee Pad securely to the Metal Support Bars
(10c) Knee Pad Installation.jpg

At last after what seems forever, the first stilt mechanism is now complete.
I am relieved to say it works as intended too!

The difference in leg & foot support can easily be felt when comparing the two.

Here's a quick video of Arby's feet with the New Knee Pad, Support Bars & Elastic installed!
Foam Stilt Walking Test 3

I will be continuing to work on this in my spare time, and hope to not leave any more long gaps between updates.
After getting the other mechanism built, I can start working on shaping the Sangheili Leg shape up to the knee.

Until next time, Arby out!
I will be continuing to work on this in my spare time, and hope to not leave any more long gaps between updates.
Oof, that did not age well.

Quick update, this build is now back in progress after a long hiatus.
Long story short, was in-between places for a while, but I finally found a place with some space to work on this again!

[PS: Didn't want this thread to be locked like my Nerf Assault Rifle thread]

New progress pics soon, I hope! :lol:
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Hey there, firstly Happy New Year everyone!

I only have a small update on the build today, BUT it's actual progress!

Finally got around to installing the second knee pad support for Arby's feet.
Its been so long since I've worked on these that the foam has started to yellow :lol:.

While the resin / glue was curing on the right foot, I thought I'd start working out the ankle shape on the left foot.

Firstly I made some cardboard 'shield walls' for the metal bars.
The cardboard will help in 2 ways.
1. The end walls provide a bend stopping point while walking in either walking form (Sangheili / Normal Walk), and also prevent the metal bars from cutting into the foam over time.
2. The side walls create a shield from any foam applied as I start to work out the ankle form.

I tend to start the foam shaping process by firstly applying bulk foam.
Once enough is applied, I can start carving away the excess to make the foam all nice and smooth.
This may include cutting back the cardboard edges too.

As I work out the overall shape, I plan to remove some interior cardboard to make it easier to get these on and off.

Arby's Left Foot - Cardboard Supports installed | Ankle Form in the 1st Foam Stage (Bulking)
(11a) Left Foot Shaping.jpg

It had been so long since I finished up the first knee pad support, I forgot how I went about installing it.
Luckily I wrote up my process in a previous post! :D

The Arbiter's New Groove - Both Knee Pad Supports finally installed.
(12a) Both Knee Pads Installed.jpg

Well that's all for now, till next update!
Small Update today to show the build is still hoofing along! :lol:

Since my last update, I installed the cardboard supports onto the second leg, before working on bulking up the first more.
I realized early on to get the correct leg shape, I needed to temporarily stop the bend movement.
To achieve this, I started by gluing in a front cardboard support, before building up the sides in upholstery foam.
The cardboard was bent to match the ankle of the 'sangheili walk'.

Two Sangheili Ankles Bulking Up | Front Cardboard Support Glued Into Place
(12b) Ankle Construction.jpg

After the sides were glued together, foam was used to fill in the gaps around the joint.
I did however need to retain the gap at the back for my elastic strap, so as I build up the leg, a pocket will be made around the strap.

Using some math 'cough, cough' I rigged up a angle marker for the leg joint line, so I can cut it out later.

Bulking Continues, Mind the Gap | Makeshift Joint Line Markup using 'math'
(12c) Ankle Construction.jpg

Finally after a bit of foam trimming, this is where I'm currently at.
I still have quite the way to go on shaping till I'll be happy with it.

The only thing I dread though is copying the final shape onto the second leg... but that's a future day problem.

Arby's Ankle Smoothing (WIP)
(12d) Ankle Smoothing WIP.jpg

Till next time, Arby out!
Minor update today, as I will be away for 10 weeks shortly.

Wasn't happy with how different Arby's right foot (mainly the toes) were when both feet were put together, so I've started doing some tweaks.
The thin craft foam layer was firstly peeled back so I could 'redo' the overall shape.
After a few more small adjustments to the toes, the rest of the foot will receive the same treatment.

Once I've gotten both legs to the same stage, I intend to separate the ankle along the 'red line' (seen on the left leg), as this will allow the movement to return while walking around.

Arbiter's Toe Manicure (WIP)
(13a) Left Foot Shaping WIP.jpg

(13b) Left Foot Shaping WIP.jpg

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Leg Day Progress Continues!

After applying the skin to Arby's toes again, I managed to get the last hard bit finished up, the second leg's bend shape joining.

As its been a while since the previous leg was worked on, it took a bit of time and triple checking measurements to make the new leg match.
Firstly the 'joint cut line' was marked up more accurately, before gluing in the front cardboard support. (Black Line is updated joint to be cut)

Once the front support was finally in the correct place, the sides were joined to provide support as I begin to bulk out / fill in the gaps.

Also did a little tidy up of the inside of the leg near the shoe & began marking up the toe lines.

Masking Tape Templates transferred to Foam to Reskin the Toes
(13c) Right Foot Shaping WIP.jpg

Bulking Out the Leg as I prep the Bend Joint Line
(14a) Right Foot Formation.jpg

Lower Leg taking Shape as Joint Line is Filled In
(14b) Right Foot Formation.jpg

#Note - Noticed one of the metal bars is slightly warped, so have to work around that as the leg is shaped out. No issues when worn.

Next Up: Gap Filling and Foam Carving.
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Last Transmission before going stealth for a bit.

Shaping of the Right Leg is getting there slowly, as its been quite time consuming to get these sangheili feet to match!
The top of the toes are nearly complete, just need a few minor tweaks left to go.

Still a little ways to go before the skinning part, but it will be satisfying to finally get there when I do.

WIP of Right Leg - 'Were it so easy'
(14c) Right Foot Formation.JPG

Thanks for stopping by! :D
Just a quick bump to keep the thread unlocked.
Not much has been worked on this since I got back as I’ve been slowly fixing up a previous build for an upcoming event.
The build lives on but ever slowly. Not sure when the next actual update will be.
seeing this come together is really neat. i wasnt sure on how people made elite builds, but now its cool to see. Good luck on your "Great Jouney"!
Time for an Update!

Had a little bit of time yesterday to work on the build, so I've continued to craft the shape of the Right Leg to match the Left.
Process is much the same as before, glue on foam to bulk up area, then cut the excess off to form the required shape.

Bulk Foam Patchwork to Build up Foot for Shaping
(15a) Feet Shaping.JPG

As my crafting time was limited, after a bit more shaping, I thought I would finally continue to 'skin' the Left Leg.
I wanted to at least skin up to the 'bend joint line', so templates were marked up using masking tape.
Each piece was then cut out and traced onto craft foam for the next step.

Craft Foam Templates - Taped Up and Cut Out.
(15b) Craft Foam Skinning.JPG

Piece by piece of craft foam 'skin' was applied using a combination of hot glue and a heat gun.
This is were I'm currently at. Feels pretty cool to finally skin more of the leg!

Current Stage - Left Foot to Bend Joint Craft Foam Skinned, Right Foot Shaping in Progress
(15c) Craft Foam Skinning.JPG

Next update won't be for at least 3 months due to work sadly, but when I return I hope to finish up the shaping on both legs up to the knee pad. After the main shaping is done on the second leg, I'm hope to use the foam templates to assist with matching of the toes.

I'm still working out if the hexagon fabric will be applied before or after I work on the rest of the suit.
It will depend on if I can line up the pieces easily, but it would also be nice to see this part of the build finished.
I plan to at least experiment with the armour on the toes.
Either way after the feet shaping is done, the hands will be next on the list!

Till next time!
Took a little longer than expected, but in the next few weeks, I be able to get back to work on Arby's feet.
Moved house and drove across Australia with my car full to the roof my costuming gear.

I was worried about the sun / heat damaging the foam work as I didn't have the best aircon in my portable sauna,
but managed to make it with no issues.

The face of a man Mid Great Journey across the Nullarbor on a 35 degree day.

See you soon!
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