Heya folks, need some eyes and ears here.


Is the camo pattern shown here duo-tone or tri-tone? To me personally, I see it as duo-tone.

And if it is duotone, it would make it ALOT easier to paint the camo onto a plain navy BDU.

Next question is: Should I base my paint colours on the left reference, a high-quality model made for the Blur Studios cutscenes, which is likely shown off with flat lighting. OR should I base my colours off the right reference, an in-game screenshot which likely has custom lighting from the level affecting its colours. (Seen on the camo, the undersuit straps and calf armour)

I'm leaning towards adapting the left reference's colours, as I feel the less saturated look is more realistic. Let me know y'alls opinions!
Heya folks, need some eyes and ears here.

View attachment 356291View attachment 356292

Is the camo pattern shown here duo-tone or tri-tone? To me personally, I see it as duo-tone.

And if it is duotone, it would make it ALOT easier to paint the camo onto a plain navy BDU.

Next question is: Should I base my paint colours on the left reference, a high-quality model made for the Blur Studios cutscenes, which is likely shown off with flat lighting. OR should I base my colours off the right reference, an in-game screenshot which likely has custom lighting from the level affecting its colours. (Seen on the camo, the undersuit straps and calf armour)

I'm leaning towards adapting the left reference's colours, as I feel the less saturated look is more realistic. Let me know y'alls opinions!
Looks like duo-tone to me, I think the fact that it looks like tri-tone is due to lighting and weathering

That's tough. I'm only really seeing these three colors, there might be a 4th lighter color but It's totally up to you if you wanted to include that. Personally, I'd roll with the duo-tone haha. I'd say the 4th color would be diminished returns for sure.
That's tough. I'm only really seeing these three colors, there might be a 4th lighter color
See, that's the tough thing, there could be that 4th other colour. But even to me, colour 1 is sooo similar to colour 2, that it might as well be the same.


So I think I'll still purchase a Navy Blue BDU set, and paint on colour 3 to match the camo pattern. I think it will be accurate enough to reach that Tier 3 rating. UNLESS you guys think that I will need that colour 1 included to hit that Tier 3 benchmark.
I basically just tried to get as close as I could with what was available on Amazon, it’s worked well so far
I basically just tried to get as close as I could with what was available on Amazon, it’s worked well so far
your BDU is Multicam black, isn't it? Looking at your deployment photos, it definitely conveys the H2A ODST look, however the colour is a lot closer to brownish-grey than the blueish-grey the references show.

I don't mean any offense brotha, I'm just trying to go for 100% accuracy with my suit, and all the options I've found online haven't made that 100% cut.
See, that's the tough thing, there could be that 4th other colour. But even to me, colour 1 is sooo similar to colour 2, that it might as well be the same.

View attachment 356313

So I think I'll still purchase a Navy Blue BDU set, and paint on colour 3 to match the camo pattern. I think it will be accurate enough to reach that Tier 3 rating. UNLESS you guys think that I will need that colour 1 included to hit that Tier 3 benchmark.
I agree with what you have shown, to me I see three different shades/colors. The tear shape on the left thigh stands out of the shape it's overlapped with.

I also agree with using this model for paint reference.

Lastly, a good idea to try and paint over navy BDU's, I didn't think of that!

To document my journey as explicitly and thorough as possible, with as many photos as possible and a cost/time breakdown spreadsheet.
(please note that I am Australian, and will be pricing everything in AUD) (basically suck it up if you're not Aussie)

  • To make a Tier 3 accurate suit.
  • Use 3D printing methods for the hard armour.
  • Create a proper BDU, with relevant patches.
  • Include lights inside the helmet to provide a see-through effect.
  • Create a microphone-to-speaker system and vice-versa.
  • Include working helmet flashlight.


Saved for future use
View attachment 356029


Dagger06 's thread will be the main build reference thread, as they've done such a detailed report of their journey and provided pictures along the way.

SpartanSweed 's thread will be the secondary build reference thread, as he did the 3D printed method, and has awesome deployment photos.
Rookie425 's thread is EXTREMELY useful for the separation of components for references, so stoked I uncovered this. There is potential to end up taking some of my own reference shots, as I've got years of experience in SFM.

And lastly Lieutenant Jaku 's thread is useful for the plethora in-game reference images, even though the project itself seems to have died off :(
List Of Other Build Threads;
Slayer241489 's Build
OTSDerpy 's Build
SnakeandNape 's Build (Drop-dead gorgeous helmet)
List Of Other H2A Cosplayers (without build threads)

Titlewaves files have been recommended to me by Sweed, and they look like they'll do the job.

If Titlewaves files are too expensive for an entry-level build, there is a free helmet file in the armory.
Apart from the 3D model from Strider and Titlewaves printable files, the only other body files that I could locate are the Classic Halo 2 ODST .pdo files, located below in the armory.
This way someone on a budget could potentially print out a helmet, and pep/foam-work the armour.

mardJaderp 's pepakura unfolds (incomplete)

I plan to use my NERF MA40 repaint as my prop; even though it's not accurate to what the ODST's use in Halo 2, it will suit the vibe of the cosplay, while also not detracting from the Tier 3 application. Potential weapons to create are either the Sniper or BR, however I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

My deadline for this project is to be finished before April 2025, as I'll head up to the Gold Coast for Supanova and meet some of the 405th!
I find it good to have a deadline, it'll really push me to complete this build and not let it sit around. HOWEVER, if I do not complete it by that deadline, I will not be rushing and simply move the date to the next con.

Once the build is completed, I will pour effort into making this tread as easy to read as possible, as I am very prone to walls of text.
Best of luck, can’t wait to see your finish project! Totally agree the deadline is a great motivational tool to
Thankfully, finishing up my 9-5 job at the end of January (Happy 23rd birthday me)
HA, SYKE! Something (more like someone) came up, and I need money now more then ever, so it looks like this worn out son-of-a-gun is still sticking to working 24/7. So that means the full, armoured suit is going to be a bit far off, however the undersuit should still be completed by the initial deadline for cons. (hoping to get some photos in this thread when I have some dang time)

Still need to get Armoursmith up and running, had to do a full system wipe so it's been rough :cry:

My son will be watching closely, encouraging me to finish this build.


And fret not, for I will never abandon this goal of mine.
I am also looking forward to an accurate straight shot build of the H2A ODST. Maybe you could prioritize making the hard armor parts first to show off at a con? Just my opinion since people will recognize armor over an undersuit
Maybe you could prioritize making the hard armor parts first to show off at a con? Just my opinion since people will recognize armor over an undersuit
Just thinking travel-wise, it'd be alot easier for me to pack an undersuit and boots rather then hard 3D printed armour parts. Want to go for a 3 hour drive (from where I'd stay) to my grandparents while on the trip too, so I don't want to carry too much.

I'm mainly going up to the con to meet peeps from the 405th and spend some time with childhood friends! Also I'd more than likely bring my camera and take photos for peeps over being boots on ground, so I'm not too concerned about recognizability.

I'm not adverse to taking the hard armour if it's made and ready to show off, just can't see myself finishing it in time! (if I do tho, that'd be sick)

Finger's crossed it is complete tho :lol:

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