Halo 3 Manual Leaked.

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Sean Bradley said:
It's just missing some pages...

The Flamethrower is one of the 3rd person weapons, like the detachable turrets and the Missle Pod.. those aren't listed either... or the deployable weapons..

Well we should be grateful that we're even privy to seeing these scant few pages, but I'm sure some people are irked that they didn't get the whole thing... well beggars can't be choosers..

It's a leak, not an official release.
so its a support weapon?
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also they are missing the new brute maulers and the gravty hammer whats with that it must be like a waaaaay waay earlier version of the manual
so its a support weapon?


The flamethrower does come at a bit of a cost. The bursts last just three seconds and you'll need to pump the trigger once a burst dries out. This is a turret weapon, like the missile pod. That means you'll be controlling it in a third-person view and will move slowly.



If you stole sensitive material like this from your job, do you think you'd stop two steps outside the door and go "Oops! I forgot some of the pages" and walk back inside to steal the rest?

The manual will be much larger than these leaked scans.... look at the table of contents! :roll:
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it says the flame thrower will be a turret weapon. Does that mean there will be flame turrets also or just pick it up like the missle pod?

I'm pretty sure you pick it up like the missile pod. It may be just called a turret weapon cuz it throws you into 3rd person.
Ooh, that would be so awesome. The ultimate anti infantry weapon for a small, alley like entrance. To bad they won't have a flame thrower with infinite ammo on a turret.

Fragclone said:
could be. but hes gt a goti and mustache O_O
nope, that's lighting. There's a clear picture of him somewhere on this forum...
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Why, did you want to play the Beta while we were all playing Halo 3?

The Beta is over, and there weren't printed manuals...

These pics are of the game manual that will be inserted in your game case, so you can play your game game on Sept 25th.
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