Halo 3: ODST Decals and Details


Well-Known Member
There are a few great threads with decals already (linked below), but after taking a closer look at the H3 ODST model, there are some small details no one's focused on that this thread will provide for the ultimate game-accurate makers out there.

I'll provide 3 different colors for each in the event that you want to be somewhat game-accurate, but the original colors don't fit with the color scheme you're going with. Those three colors are:
- The In-Game Color (color matched to the closest available color in the official Rookie Cosplay guide)
- Black
- White

The official Rookie Cosplay guide can be found here:

Some of these are very difficult to read, if not impossible. If you know the background lore or more information about any of these, please let me know and I'll create a printable decal/stencil of each.

Here are all the decals I found on the original model (circled in red):


  • Chest.jpg
    325.3 KB · Views: 129
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If you're going for the Rookie's exact decals, the character has a UNSC EGB Decal and UNSC lettering on the left side and underside of the chest, respectively.

Both symbols are in a Hex Code color: #D9D9D6 (A light gray; not white)

The Nameplate SVG has ODST lettering and the Rookie's exact nameplate and rank. I've included extra unique barcodes if you want to add new ones for yourself. If you want to type your own name, I've attached the exact font used in The Rookie Guide for the nameplate (which was a free version of the font found online).


UNSC Lettering
DOWNLOAD: UNSC Lettering.svg

ODST and ROOKIE Nameplate
DOWNLOAD: ODST & Rookie Nameplate.svg

Gothic Font
DOWNLOAD: Gothic Font

Ranks Thread

For the UNSC Lettering file, I've included color-accurate and black version of the text, as well as the mirrored version you see on the in-game textures for anyone that wants that.

SpecialOpsJoe2 has his own versions in the following thread. I'll be creating my own to directly match the official guide (will edit when I do)





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Forearm Decals.svg

These were all made and designed by pippysmudges on the 405th Discord Server, after he found me searching for decals. The only changes I've made to them (with permission from pippysmudges) are the addition of game-accurate colors, the mirrored version (for anyone that wants exact in-game texture remakes), and also re-organizing a couple of them so they can be on either forearm without looking "flipped".

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Blood Type Medical Patch

Here's the download link to the new Medical Patches. All of them are Color-Accurate and are exact copies of the ODST Rookie Guide image below. I've also created A, B, and AB positives and negatives with unique barcodes in game-accurate font (Handel Gothic D Bold).

There are three options to print from: Game-Accurate Colors, Black & White, and just the outline of the black coloration in case you wanted a unique vinyl color.

DOWNLOAD: ODST Decals - Google Drive



There are already two great threads regarding the shoulders. However, the shape, font, and colors are customized.
The original threads I'm referring to are:
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