Halo 3: Odst - Pepakura Armor

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Awww man!! I wish these were available when I was working on my ODST! Oh well, it doesn't matter now.

I actually think I might be selling off some of my ODST pieces anyways. All they are going to do is just sit around my place and take up room. I have nowhere to put this stuff! It's laying all over my kitchen! LOL
hello, great work, all parts are fantastic, but i have confused about what are the part for each character.

i want to start my odst armor, i want to know what part i have to use for the rokie for example.

thanks, sorry for my english.
All the parts for a complete Rookie costume:

ODST Rookie Helmet (Rundown)

Standard ODST Chest Plate (Nightshade)

Center Equiptment Plate (Nightshade or SKG/WETA ... lots of people use that one for some reason)

Side Plate (x2) (Nightshade)

(Newer) Belt Plate (Nightshade)

Butt Packs (SKG/WETA)

Hip Plate (x2) (SKG/WETA)

Shoulder Plates (x2) (Nightshade)

ODST Gauntlet (x2) (Crackhead)

Rookie Backpack (Th3FETTMAN or just scratch-build)

ODST Thigh (x2) (Low-def by Crackhead or *almost out* Hi-def by Nightshade)

ODST Knee (x2) (Ruze/WETA)

ODST Shin (x2) (WETA Re-unfold by Crackhead)


Crotch Plate (Nightshade)

ODST Torso (Nightshade)

ODST Boot Covers (SKG/WETA)

ODST SMG + Top Sight (Nightshade ... top sight STILL NEEDS UNFOLD PLZ!)

ODST Grenade(s) (Dreadmullet/Nightshade)

Well, that should about cover it. Pretty overwhelming, right? I hope this list helps, and that it is what you were looking for!


The "scales" on the inside are done, for the most part, but I honestly can't tell whether or how they are supposed to connect with the main part. Sean Bradley just connected his to his pants, and some people do that for thier Mark VI armor. What would be the best approach that would make everyone happy?


I've done some tiny edits in some areas of the rest of the model, but, other than that, it's remained the same so far. I'd still love some more criticism, so that I don't have to edit it and have people re-unfold it again. Trust me, it annoys me because then I look lazy later, lol.

As I already told MjolnirForger, in the words of Johannes Kepler,

Believe me, the sharpest criticism of a single man of understanding means more to me than the thoughtless approval of the masses

Lol. I like that quote now.

Anyway, I hope you likey.

Okay, I'm staring at this thing trying to find something wrong with it, just so I have something to say besides unending adoration. On the top, I'm not sure, but I don't know if there should be quite so much curve to it. Looks like it might end up pinching in at the hip, and being too big mid-calf. This is a difficult piece, since it's hard to fit this sort of thing onto a person just from ingame stuff.

Honestly, I'm a fan of scratch building the inside strips. However, it'd be better to include a pep version for those that like that more. I'd say it looks like they're just underneath the main armored part, perhaps they could be included as a separate piece you can glue to the inside of the main part? Just my $0.02
for the inside strips, I was either going to sew them onto the clothes like Sean Bradley, or do them in pepakura, then mold the insides, and cast them in a rubber that would allow for movement and reattain its shape. The model looks great so far, but like Flyerfye said, top of the thigh seems to curve inside a bit much and that might not fit right. here's what I(we) mean.


well, I hope it helps.
My idea for the inside scales was to pep and resin them once, and then make a thin silicone/rebound-25 mold on the outside with four little supports on the edges to keep it up and flat on a table, and then just brush on a few layers of silicone and then fill the rest with hot-glue. Then, each of the scales would be strapped together, and then you could attatch a strap or spandex ring to the top and bottom and have it cling to your leg. Just a thought.
wish i could unfold it but pep designer is being stupid and crashing when i open it.can anyone get that file saved in a different format,please and thank you
Lol, Pepakura is crashing because it can't bear the epicness of the model.

But yeah, someone just save the unfolded file in .pdo and PM/post it for Harding, and let's get this baby unfolded (lol, and on the Wiki, too!)
Thanks kolinrulz!

Just remember, I want a general approval of the file before you start unfolding it! Sooooo ... LET'S APPROVE THIS MODEL please. Thanks!


Hmmm, well, that's good enough for me. I just don't want it to get unfolded and then have a lot of little annoying people say (waaaahh this little vertice is a millimeter off fix it fix it fix it ...). Not you guys. Oh well for them, I say we go ahead and unfold the sucker ...
Nightshade said:
Hmmm, well, that's good enough for me. I just don't want it to get unfolded and then have a lot of little annoying people say (waaaahh this little vertice is a millimeter off fix it fix it fix it ...). Not you guys. Oh well for them, I say we go ahead and unfold the sucker ...

lol already started i gave it my own little i approve right after i opened the file
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Nightshade said:
Hmmm, well, that's good enough for me. I just don't want it to get unfolded and then have a lot of little annoying people say (waaaahh this little vertice is a millimeter off fix it fix it fix it ...). Not you guys. Oh well for them, I say we go ahead and unfold the sucker ...

cool and to bad for the little annyoying people huh

p.s. its off by a millimeter :lol
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