kk, for those who have scaling problems this is what I did. I am using the helmet for this example and keep in mind that all the numbers are specific to me. It might take a bit but it works well.
1. Grab the Halo 2 version and use the scaling sticky to find out what number you are.
- 71 is what I had.
2. Paste the scale numbers into the "Scale" box.
- 25.0497907 is what I had.
3. Copy the numbers in the "Assembled size (height) __ cm" box.
- 26.4 is what I had.
4. Grab the Halo 3 version and insert into the "Assembled size (height) __ cm" box, whatever number you had in step 3 (for me it was 26.4).
Like I said, all the numbers are specific to me. So find your own numbers and tell me if this works ^^.