Props Halo 3 SMG Bleprints - Draft

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They are 2D Cad drawings; I am still working on revitalizing my 3D skills. A lot of things have changes since I learned Alias back in the early 90's. But you are welcome to the 2D versions.


WMHunterTLS said:
Oh. They are actual models? I thought you drew them. Is there any chance of a .max or .obj?
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WMHunterTLS said:
Is there any chance you could render me an SMG at about 987 x 739 pixels. Around that size?

And could you send it to me at

I too, very desperately, am in search of a quality SMG render. Or pep file.

I will accept help from everyone and everything. Yeah, I'm at the point where if a raccoon came up to me on the street and was like "hey... hey buddy... you uh.. you want this quality shi7? Yeah. It's real good. Best SMG you'll find in this half of the world." I wouldn't hesitate to take if off his hands.
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Wait, I just looked through the other CAD files and the BR is just over 35" long?

Wow, I even amaze myself at my eyeballing skills. My BR came out to 34" finished.
All I could do was compare it to the chief's body, knowing how high he is.. Not bad :D

Oh and I can make a 3D SMG but its going to be a Maya file. Unless I can export it into something more accessible.
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CPU64 said:
Wait, I just looked through the other CAD files and the BR is just over 35" long?

Wow, I even amaze myself at my eyeballing skills. My BR came out to 34" finished.
All I could do was compare it to the chief's body, knowing how high he is.. Not bad :D

Oh and I can make a 3D SMG but its going to be a Maya file. Unless I can export it into something more accessible.

Just as long as I'll be able to view it in 3 dimensions rather than on a flat piece of paper... It would help me out SO much.
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