All parts modeled- may add boots and codpiece, rather have them very flexible foam if possible for freedom of movement.
All Halo 4 Undersuit Parts by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
rear calf h4 undersuit parts by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
h4 undersuit large upper back plate center sections by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
IMG_3806 by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
IMG_3815 by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
halo 4 undersuit all printed parts by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
Lots of work has been done. Also managed to get a mannequin finished just today - it's packing tape and cling-film filled with expanding foam. Sean Bradley's tip to spray down the foam with water to speed curing helped a lot. Feet are 3/4" conduit screwed to a plywood base.
Me, Mannequin. His name is Roy. by Michael Vroegop, on Flickr
Patterning fabric areas, molding parts is next. Haven't settled on a material yet, leaning in the direction of something flexible.
Have some appointments later this week with local embroidery and screenprinting shops, still sorting out the hex material.
Puff paint on spandex is looking good, if the deposition can be more tightly controlled.
Lots of work has been done. Also managed to get a mannequin finished just today - it's packing tape and cling-film filled with expanding foam. Sean Bradley's tip to spray down the foam with water to speed curing helped a lot. Feet are 3/4" conduit screwed to a plywood base.
Patterning fabric areas, molding parts is next. Haven't settled on a material yet, leaning in the direction of something flexible.
Have some appointments later this week with local embroidery and screenprinting shops, still sorting out the hex material.
Puff paint on spandex is looking good, if the deposition can be more tightly controlled.