Halo 4 costume 1st piece (scratch build)

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I didn't save any of my pieces of paper I scetched out and cut out as my template for my version of the Noble 6 costume that I 1st did.
I started saving the ones for the Halo 4 that I'm working on now. I need to gather them up and lable them before I forget what piece goes where. If i could scan them in and make some kind of file I'd share them, but honestly I don't think many people would want a set. Someones going to put a complete accurate pepakura set out there soon (if its not already out there). Mine is just improvised with mostly made up detail.
I didn't save any of my pieces of paper I scetched out and cut out as my template for my version of the Noble 6 costume that I 1st did.
I started saving the ones for the Halo 4 that I'm working on now. I need to gather them up and lable them before I forget what piece goes where. If i could scan them in and make some kind of file I'd share them, but honestly I don't think many people would want a set. Someones going to put a complete accurate pepakura set out there soon (if its not already out there). Mine is just improvised with mostly made up detail.
I was more asking about the H4 ones. I actually prefer foam for building now rather than pep - except helmets, which are notoriously difficult to do right with foam.
People wouldn't want a set of H4 templates? Are you out of your mind? Most people would KILL to have templates that they can use to build off. I know I would, for one!
For those people who do want templates, a show of support, if you will...

I would love to have that template as well. Wow those are amazing. I have a question. What kind of primer do you use on those foam?
krylon spray primer (grey).
It seems to do a pretty good job. A paint with more flex to it would be better, but I dont know of any.
Man you may be new to foam but no one would be able to tell! you have a natural talent, and your paint that you use is truly amazing! you sir may just have one of the finest MVII out there when the few people making them are done. quite possibly better then bluerealm themselves.
Really nice work man! I am a little jealous that I didn't start a Halo 4 suit as they look sweet. Only thing stopping me becoming completely jealous is the fact I still love the iconic look of the old design. Amazing detailing and I am really looking forward to seeing this one finished, +1 subscription :)
Added a little to it over the weekend.
Heres what I have so far. (I'm building 2 at the same time).


Thanks for taking a look.

Wow man, incredible work! I do believe you're a first when it comes to Halo 4 foam. I really am going to be watching this
One of, if not, the best foam suits I've seen so far. Your work is outstanding and the more I look at it the more I am amazed. Don't ever stop what you are doing, because you are doing it so well. I am very jealous.
I remember seeing this on soaring hammer. Great foam work. It is really impressive!:)
The Black on Green looks really badace, especially the green color looks really good. I wouldn't care what the reference pictures looked like either as long as it came out looking this good. Keep up the good work!
I just started this new build about a week or two ago.
This will be my 3rd armor project once finished (second foam build for me). The pieces may be off a little in the detail from the available imagages, but as far as I'm concerned this is my build & my artistic interpritaion of the armor. You can make yours anyway you want. :p

I'm starting off with the gauntlets.

I ended up making 4 :cool


Put some paint on them, & heres what I ended up with.


I'll post up the next pieces once I get them going.
Thanks for looking
Jim (kill kill kill)

Words can't describe what I feel looking at your work, the coming pic should be self explanatory :D

This is looking great!

I have an interesting question though... What are your plans for the undersuit?

I'm asking because the Mark VII exposes a lot more of the suit, and there's no belt so you can't use it to hide the seam between an upper and lower piece either.

Also, according to the fiction, the undersuit is the actual power armor - the part that amplifies the wearer's movements. The Mjolnir isn't a standard exoskeleton with rotating joints, the green parts are just extra plating and aren't connected to each other at all.
So the undersuit should - in theory - look like a hard but flexible shell... And as I've said the Mark VII shows it uncovered on most of the torso, the upper arm, and the knee/elbow/ankle areas.

I'm also wondering about Blue Realm's undersuit, it looks pretty interesting:



It has the hexagonal mesh pattern, and a lot of the parts seem to be stuffed as well, like the shoulder and the sternum/abdomen area. And the armor piece on the stomach has to be attached to the undersuit directly, too...
I've given the under suit some thought. Keep in mind I'm just a guy with an exacto blade & some hot glue, & I don't have the production facility & equiptment that a prop & effects studio has. I think preception is the key. I'm going to have the armor cover as much as I can for starters. I have an idea for the under armor thats a little outside the box & ill have to do some testing before I post on it.
It will be a while before I'm that far along. I'm 2 evenings into the chest piece now, about 8 hours total and it looks like I have about another 24 hours to go (that just for the 1st one). As soon as a figure it out I'll put in the post.
i would sugest a dive suit but I have no idea how much that might cost. But, kil kill kill, udging by your excellent work with the foam, I'm sure you will figure something out.

BTW, I was thinking of doing the main pieces of my future MKVII build in foam. any beginner tips to foam?
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