I am interested on how you will do the bayonet! I wanted to use an LED, but I have no idea how I would get it in there and add an on off button, or even batteries. I then considered using day glow acrylic, but that stuff can get expensive.
Damn holy **** this looks cool as hell!! I love the detailing you did on the chest, and all of the props that you’ve shown off are so intricate and well made! I love how functional the trauma kit is as well, every little touch so far is just really really awesomely intricate. Keep up the good work dude, I’m excited to see how it turns out!Finally... finally I finished thrusters...
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I don't want to do them ever... ever again... any time soon... probably... (damn... I need 3 more sets...)
I'm in red vs blue mood, been rewatching the entire series for the 6th time
And also I think I'm done with the front piece.
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I did some battle damage with the rotary tool, fighting juggernauts can be dangerous
It's not because I'm terrible at using rotary tool and I clearly didn't hold it in one place for too long while trying to smooth out some seems.
I think it should look nice when painted.
I have one more idea for this build. Some people create needles, light them up and put them in the armor as battle damge - I guess, so I want to do something very similar but I want to keep the 'flood containment spartan' theme so I thought about making spikes of the flood ranger form:
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So let's say that while my charcter was fighting some bigger flood forms and the energy shields went down, flood ranger form somehow managed to penetrate the armor with few spikes (whereever I think there will be a good place to put them) and they got stuck in the plating, so he used energy bayonet to cut them a little so they aren't that annoying (I think I will heat up a knife and cut through them to achieve this effect).
Buuut... I have no idea how to create these spikes yet... maybe foam clay?
That be a cool little easter egg that you could hint at people to see if they can spot the space invader within your paint scheme.I cut them out of masking tape in random pixel shapes, but it opens some great opportunities for easter eggs, I definitely want to make one in shape of space invader
View attachment 291011
That be a cool little easter egg that you could hint at people to see if they can spot the space invader within your paint scheme.