Halo 4 Hayabusa Concept Armor

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No update on the files yet, but I did throw the armor into one file and rendered them all together:


The shoulders look a little weird but that's just because of an import setting gone awry.


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Lookin good. ^_^

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but the helmet makes me think of Megatron from Transformers. XD LOL
Pretty. I know someone who would probably sell you her first child for these files.

Now that the files are nearly complete, I'm ready to negotiate on the child... Muwahahahaha

I've updated the process list that I added to the top of my first post. I will be modeling the lower half of the Hayabusa armor now. This should be a breeze compared to the chest and helmet.


Got started on the shins today, should have them and the thighs modeled tonight:


Finished legs:






Boots are still being modeled.


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Excellent work! Once you've managed to arrange all of the models, you should do a final overview with each one smoothed out, or enough to get rid of those solid edges. Keep up the hard work, yo.
The guys over at stony props are workin on building this atm as well, but yours was started first, i don't know if you are affiliate with them or gave permission for them to build it so I thought I would post it here. Looks fantastic by the way it really capture the look and feel of the halo 4 armours.
The guys over at stony props are workin on building this atm as well, but yours was started first, i don't know if you are affiliate with them or gave permission for them to build it so I thought I would post it here. Looks fantastic by the way it really capture the look and feel of the halo 4 armours.

I'm a member of Stony Props and I am currently building the H4 Busa, I'm working with Demogorgon using the files he has created, we are still tweaking the armor some but I believe that Demogorgon will release the files soon

If anyone is interested on how the build is going I have a build progress pics on my Facebook page, I haven't had much time to upload the pics to Photobucket to start a thread on the 405th but here is a link to my page if your interested
Excellent work! Once you've managed to arrange all of the models, you should do a final overview with each one smoothed out, or enough to get rid of those solid edges. Keep up the hard work, yo.

This is beautiful work! It will go great with my Locus Helmet!

Thank you for the great feedback!

any updates for an unfold for the helmet?

The helmet will be released shortly. I do apologize for the delay in any new files being released. I have a LD version of the helmet that you can use as a test for sizing if you want to build that and get a feel for the helmet. http://www.4shared.com/file/a8fdZgsV/Halo_4_Hayabusa_Helmet_TEST_FI.html?

The final HD helmet will be released soon so keep an eye out for it. I am just waiting on the prototype to be completed and make sure everything is in order before I release the file.

The guys over at stony props are workin on building this atm as well, but yours was started first, i don't know if you are affiliate with them or gave permission for them to build it so I thought I would post it here. Looks fantastic by the way it really capture the look and feel of the halo 4 armours.

Hyper is a Stony Props member. He and I are working together on this build. Thanks for the feedback, for my first time modeling armor, I think it turned out pretty good.
awesome! started pepping the tester, and so far i think it's a great file even for a low def tester!
Hey everyone! Huge update for the helmet file, it is ready to download! http://www.4shared.com/file/1NhoBJ0Xba/Halo_4_Hayabusa_Helmet.html

It has been far too long since I've done any prop building. It seemed every time I wanted to start working on this massive project something always came up. I have found some time to finally get this completed for you guys. The scaling should be set already with a height of 360mm, there may be some odd tabs here and there but I think it's pretty much good to go. It will be a really tough pep to make but I'll be right there pepping it with you as well haha. Anyways, thanks to everyone who has been following my threads, I couldn't have done any of this without your support. I will be working on my build and the rest of the unfolds soon.

Feel free to edit the unfold if you are up to the task haha. I think I did a decent enough job of it but if you can make it better go for it!
very awesome :cool
but long time no updates:cry
is there a way to get the rest of the files? it wouldn't bother me if they were not completely finished :angel
i would make the rest by myself (unfold,ect.)
great work... :popcorn
very awesome :cool
but long time no updates:cry
is there a way to get the rest of the files? it wouldn't bother me if they were not completely finished :angel
i would make the rest by myself (unfold,ect.)
great work... :popcorn

Want the chest file sooo bad! :(
Well the thread at that point is about 4 years old and even if it were working....its 4shared which even at it height....was terrible!!!!!! You can find what your looking for in the Armory....HERE. Also necroposting is kind of frowned upon here. It pushes current threads down the line. Please check dates before posting/replying. If you do come across a thread where you want additional info, PM the author or person directly. Just and FYI, if they haven't been on in a long time, you might not get a reply so quickly or not at all.
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