Halo 4 Helmet Build, With a Few Others :P

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i wus test fiting it and the hotglue wusnt cool yet lol. BTW does any one know where i can get the HD noble 6 hemlit? i have a LD
i could look through the 10 i have, maybe i have one. could you give me that ld one, all the others are to hard for me...
well idk about u guy but i have Siri on my ipod touch 4th gen!!!!! u can start hating now

i will make a vidoe on how to do it later on, i wus up over night trying to put it on my touchy its 8:44am and im sleepy.
what is siri? ive heard of jail breaking but but siri is a new thuing to me. and what exactly is siri got to do with the thread. just wondering,
yeh i got the 4s and siris basically voice command, but im not too fussed with the idea. it may come in handy it may not you know. all the best man with the build. I'm keen to see how it ends up
You havent worked on the helmet anymore? theres some problems with your unfolding that actually halted my proggress on my helmet, one of the small pieces on the back has lines and tabs overlapping all over the place and i can't figure out where im supposed to cut and what im supposed to fold. any update to the file? i'd REALLY like to continue working on it!
no, no updates that i know of. i still have the helmit in my room, it on the floor lol. i'm just working on other thangs i'll come back to this when the time is right
no, no updates that i know of. i still have the helmit in my room, it on the floor lol. i'm just working on other thangs i'll come back to this when the time is right
I'd really like to get mine done but I can't without your help. i've got the whole top part done but I can't go any further until something happens with that back piece.
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