Love it dude! I wanna get my hands on a recon suit. Still working on my mc build
thanks, the Recon armor is awesome in all the games.
so it's been a while since i've left an update, and i've done a fair amount since then. i started my new undersuit, started and almost finished both shins, and unfortunately had a few issues with plasti-dip.

i re-did the back part of both shins, as to them not being quite as detailed as i wanted.
secondly, i decided that my next build was gonna be a Caboose Helmet (RvB season 11), i did a test size with paper:

it was a little too big, but i re-scaled the templates and i'm gonna start that soon.
i recently detailed the contoured boots and bum plate:
lastly, i decided to use the last of my pllasti-dip and start the bum plate, but it started raining when the plasti-dip was drying and this happened:
if anyone knows what i should do to remove this, let me know. i don't want to have to rebuild this part