Halo 4 Spartan IV under armor and utility suit

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I'd be careful with the neoprene wet suit type material. Unless you're using it in cold climates and not going inside. Neoprene won't breath and you will overheat. Cordura is a very strong fabric and with the right weave density will give a decent pattern. Plus Cordura will outlast your armor pieces. Downside is Cordura is not stretchy. So possibly a mix with a polyester body suit could work.
Thanks , I hope I can inspire as much as possible..

Um.hmm, not sure on the actual time spent probably ~10-15 hrs. I was able to pull a lot of the stuff from some of the concept images floating around but I had to add a bunch of detail and repaint everything to up the resolution from the reference images.. Not sure if ill actually build a physical suit but I am working on a 3D version of the under suit. (its why I made the image to begin with) As well as some custom armor. I'm writing a short story and will have some illustrations to go with it so those assets will be used as part of that process.. Here's the cover art of the story so far.. what I'm thinking for the armor and a shot of the freshly started 3d. I don't want o hijack this thread so I'll probably start another just for it..


hi res http://i.imgur.com/ekEik.jpg


hi res http://i.imgur.com/Kd42I.jpg

Armor concept. I always loved this concept sketch so I am going to make some based on it


hi res http://imgur.com/gfOnm
Damn James, that's some top work you've done there! Although I know my way around most of Photoshop, I couldn't have done the undersuit work in 15 hrs :)

I need to start learning Illustrator though.

Back on topic: is that 3dsmax you're using to craft the undersuit? I haven't used it in years but would love to rig it up with bones or the like (I'm thinking Character Studio, if it's still around) but also able to get some pictures of it printed of to be a guide for a pattern (maybe) for a seamstress.
Thanks :). I hardly use illustrator as well. Maybe logos or patterns but I use photoshop everyday.. I'm using Modo and Cinema 4D for 3D work.. Both have bone rigging and I'll implement those tools later on for some of the illustrations. Still A LOT of work to do before that.. I shared the suit illustration so people could use it for patterns. Now we just have to come up with a way to craft the suit..

I'd be careful with the neoprene wet suit type material. Unless you're using it in cold climates and not going inside. Neoprene won't breath and you will overheat. Cordura is a very strong fabric and with the right weave density will give a decent pattern. Plus Cordura will outlast your armor pieces. Downside is Cordura is not stretchy. So possibly a mix with a polyester body suit could work.

As I've worn neoprene before, I know it can get warm wearing it in the sun and you'll cook if you're not undercover and/or in air-con.

An alternative could be this:
http://www.pennineoutdoor.co.uk/PS2D breathable nylon
Light and breathable, but might lack the hexagonal emboss. I don't know how stretchy it would be either (probably isn't, unlike a rubber product would).
As I've worn neoprene before, I know it can get warm wearing it in the sun and you'll cook if you're not undercover and/or in air-con.

An alternative could be this:
http://www.pennineoutdoor.co.uk/PS2D breathable nylon
Light and breathable, but might lack the hexagonal emboss. I don't know how stretchy it would be either (probably isn't, unlike a rubber product would).

I'm a PADI divemaster, and nothing worse than sitting on the boat when it's hot and begging to get in the water while you cook in neoprene.

That material might work. Only one way to find out. I've got some cold weather gear from POLARTEC that is very stretchy. Would just have to sew in the armor pieces. Either way you need someone who is awesome at sewing.
I'm a PADI divemaster, and nothing worse than sitting on the boat when it's hot and begging to get in the water while you cook in neoprene.

That material might work. Only one way to find out. I've got some cold weather gear from POLARTEC that is very stretchy. Would just have to sew in the armor pieces. Either way you need someone who is awesome at sewing.

I plan to debut my suit (once constructed) at an expo that runs for 3 days, hopefully in air-con. Although neoprene sounded like a good idea to start off with, spending 8+ hours a day in it doesn't sound appealing in the slightest.

I've sent an enquiry to the shop for that link, to see about the size of hexagon, embossing, stretchiness and delivery. As for sewing, thankfully my nana (grandmother) is a seamstress, so I'll have a helping hand when it finally comes to crafting the undersuit :D
Hey, that's my favorite drawing of the Mark V too! :)
Too bad there's no back view, but one can always invent something... Oh, and I'd make the shoulder armor bigger!

And about neoprene, unless you get into water you wouldn't last an hour in it. It's also quite uncomfortable to move in it, especially when there's no water between the suit and your skin - as that's how it's meant to work and keep you from losing body heat in the cold water.
Seriously James! Why aren't you working for 343 studios yet???

That would be fun, I'd love to do video game concept art and design but right now I've got my dream job, (Automotive design) so maybe sometime down the road if I want a change in industries.

Hey, that's my favorite drawing of the Mark V too! :)
Too bad there's no back view, but one can always invent something... Oh, and I'd make the shoulder armor bigger!

I was just looking at that last night thinking the shoulder armor needs to be bigger. :). I'll probably do a mix between the MK 5 (B) reach armor and something from halo 4 for the rear.. Thanks

Check this out I typed in hex pattren fabric in google and found this fabric that people use for Tron costumes.
Its a little spendy but I think its the key to making Halo 4 Undersuits.

Ah the Tron fabric. The first picture I found searching for this elusive pattern.

Granted, it does look good and lycra is breathable, however the pattern is printed and not embossed. For perfectionists like myself that are trying to get as close as possible to the "real thing", I'd need to find somewhere that A). can emboss lycra (or similar, breathable material) or B): print a 3D looking hexagon pattern to give the illusion of being a raised shape. The (frustrating) search continues - hopefully I'll be able to duck into some more fabric shops on the weekend and have a chat to staff about what I'm looking for.
Not to mention that you could paint something quite similar with a stencil on your own... Not the exact Tron pattern, as it has an inner part that should be masked off too - but the simple hexa pattern should be pretty easy (assuming you have access to something like a vynil cutter machine)

You could also use an additional stencil and two shades of grey to reproduce the digital camo pattern on top of it too.
Hey guys, thought Id drop in and let you know Ill be starting my own build of this stuff in a bit as well. Im excited to see how you guys solve this problem. Ill help out wherever I can. I know that the base under suit is a problem now but what about attaching the soft shell armor parts by buttons? Sewing the button onto the under suit and on the soft shell armor underside so it can be easily removed and added?
there is a kitchen drawer liner i found at target and i cant seem to find the brand name of it but the texture in it looks like the under armor one. If we could fashion it to sit comfortably around someone it might work. ill try and find a pic.
Good luck in the Elite section... Jeez. (sarcastic assery intended)

LoL! Sorry dude, your sketches are quite detailed, and I am impressed! I hope these can either be a great start to your Halo armor-making or great ref pics!
HAhaha xD No prob Viper ... But as it goes, my next request could be something way more easy thant trying to take drawings to templates ...

So this question is for James and Digital cantina... I dont know ...if any of what i'll ask is possible ... but you guys seems to be realy experienced with 3d models, so best placed ton answer this ...

Do a 3d model like Jame's one can be broke down into several pieces ( like evrey different part of the liesure suit, and then " templaterized " ( I love inventing new words when I don't know the proper one xD ) for us to use those just like the templates a sewing master uses for regular clothes :)

If this is possible to then bring those to pepekura viewer and scale them just like armor pieces , we probably could end up with something quite cool for everybody.

We will then have armor modelers that every body would know for thier armor pieces and also some very respected under armor modelers :) And then glory could flow troughout your bodies and everybody'S respect with it !!! :p If you know what I mean...
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