hey there 405th i have a little something for you today.
as you guys know i have been working on the halo 4 sniper rifle; however, due to the cold conditions here i have been unable to move forward. and so in the mean time i have both started and completed a new weapon - the halo 4 SAW
and now the pre weathered pictures
I should be getting this weathered some time in the next week.
and thank you all for again for the support i have had on all of my threads thus far. It is extremely uplifting to have someone complement (and even point out fault) with my work. as an artist I sometimes feel bad if i don't have some negative feedback (whether it is on missing detail, to major design flaws) so please always be honest with your opinions (whether you like or dislike) because there is no greater disappointment for me to have a bunch of people praise my work, and then when i go some where else I am torn down because of things i could of easily improved upon - and example of this would be my original halo armor:
I had not realized until i was told at a convention that my ankles were too small, now while this was a minor thing i felt so stupid because i had not thought of padding my ankles (a simple task) which would have improved my armor.
Ok well i guess i've said my 2 cents. I guess what i was trying to say was don't hold back I have an extraordinary ability to accept "bad" or "not good" examinations of my work.
well guys thats all for now, until next time . . .