Halo: Combat Evolved Mk. V Build... so far (Pic Heavy)

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cant wait to see it all built fudz. good luck with the vacuformer! cant wait to see your version of it when its done. hope everything turns out great!
Wow! Thanks for the input guys. I'm cutting out the chest pieces right now. Once it's assembled I take a pic of me wearing both the chest piece and the helmet.
Pep on the chest is done! Here are the pics.

[/url] P8210354 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] P8210352 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

I reinforced it with balsa wood struts and then sealed the outside with fiberglass resin. Quick question:

Do I leave the supports when I fiberglass the inside or do I take them out? I see pro's and con's to either option and I'm not sure which method would be best. Any suggestions??
From what I have gathered, they stay in for the outside resin, then you cut them out before you do the inside. They are to help keep it from Warping during the resining process.
Pep on the chest is done! Here are the pics.

[/url] P8210354 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] P8210352 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

I reinforced it with balsa wood struts and then sealed the outside with fiberglass resin. Quick question:

Do I leave the supports when I fiberglass the inside or do I take them out? I see pro's and con's to either option and I'm not sure which method would be best. Any suggestions??

You should leave the struts in for as long as you can. This will only minimize the chance of anything warping. Nice work so far.
Fiberglass time!!!!

Today I began fiberglassing. I must say, it's not my most favored method however it is producing some nice results. I managed to cover about a third of the inside of the chest piece. Unfortunately, there is a hurricane creeping up around my nieghborhood (Who ever heard of a hurricane in PA?? Come on!!!) and the humidity is pretty high so cure time was a little slow on the resin, not to mention I added less than normal the amount of hardener to give myself some time to work with. However, I threw in a 60watt light bulb and it's hardening surprisingly fast. So, I plan on finishing today, here's what i've got so far.


I used woven fiberglass. I figured it would be less messy. However, it doesn't like to bend around corners and created a few bubbles. Is this normal with fiberglass period or does the unwoven mat work better?


And here's what i've got drying. Probably be out in the garage within the hour applying more. Can't wait to finish
Fiber glassing is done on the chest! I'm pretty impressed of how sturdy it turned out to be. I only applied one coat and I'm satisfied with it's strength. Tomorrow I begin the sanding, trimming, bondo, and fitting of the chest. I only have two and half months left!! Gotta keep going.

[/url] P8280358 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] P8280359 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] P8280360 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url] P8280362 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]
Wow! this is looking pretty good! i cant believe i missed this!
I did the exact same thing with my helmet, cutting out the back piece, and put in the exact same bubble visor from Ebay. looks nicer than a straight visor eH?
keep up the good work spartan! hope it turns out beautiful!
Wow! this is looking pretty good! i cant believe i missed this!
I did the exact same thing with my helmet, cutting out the back piece, and put in the exact same bubble visor from Ebay. looks nicer than a straight visor eH?
keep up the good work spartan! hope it turns out beautiful!

I was surprised at the difference between a straight visor and the bubble visor. But yeah, definitely glad I went the extra mile with the bubble visor. Glad to have the support of a fellow mk V!
Yeah... so, I tried fitting the chest piece to myself and it's too small... but just barely. Needless to say I'm a little frustrated. So, I need to pep a whole new chest piece. Ah well. I think I'll take a break and finish the MA37 build until I can get out and buy some more card stock... If there are any good tutorials out there on scaling, please drop a line. I used halogoddess' tutorial but it still ended up too small. Maybe I just need to take another look.
Small in what way? Like you can't fit your head through the hole? You split the chest in two after resin

It's not wide enough. It fits over my head, and it's not tight against my back or chest. However it squeezes my sides and there's no material to remove. It's just not wide enough. I did split it in half, using buckles and nylon straps. It's not a total loss though. My girlfriend decided she wanted a suit too, so it's big enough for her.

[/url] P8280363 by Fudz073, on Flickr[/IMG]
A quick side note, My best friend gave me crap today. I haven't been on live in AWHILE... thanks to my new obsession building master chief rather than playing as him. He said, "You love halo so much, you haven't even played it in over a month." Well, I thought this was funny, because I do love halo so much that I just don't play it anymore, I'm either reading one of the books or sanding some armor (It's a wonder my girlfriend hasn't left me yet!)

ANYway, thought I'd share that with y'all. So, the new chest piece will be pepped and hopefully fiberglassed by the end of labor day. I really need to get moving on this project. November is right around the corner.
Don't feel bad, I get hassled the same way, I barely play right now. Luckily my wife is supportive and is ok with me dumping most of my time into my build. Just keep on rolling because when it's all done the hasselers will be jealous
Anyone else a little annoyed with the rain?? It's taking FOREVER to fiberglass anything. I wanted to have the chest piece done by monday but it's just taking forever for the stuff to cure. Anyone know any neat tricks? I thought about a heat gun but... well, the large FLAMMABLE warning on the side of the fiberglass resin can kinda scared me off.
Anyone else a little annoyed with the rain?? It's taking FOREVER to fiberglass anything. I wanted to have the chest piece done by monday but it's just taking forever for the stuff to cure. Anyone know any neat tricks? I thought about a heat gun but... well, the large FLAMMABLE warning on the side of the fiberglass resin can kinda scared me off.

It is being a pain now yes, and for the rest of the week too. I would suggest a heat lamp if you have one. I have a flood light that is mounted on a tri-pod that produces LOTS of heat, so I will be using this for the next two months to try to balance out the new fall weather. I knew it would be like this.... 90+ heat and then BAM, back to normal. (sigh.....)

OH, and good luck on your build. I've been watching your thread closely for comparison and reference on my own build. I'm doing the same suit almost, though I am considerably behind you in my progress. Luckily, I have a work space that I can use anytime I have free time.

I don't post much. I ghost a ton though lol
this is literally one of the best. And it REALLY looks like you'll be able to get it done by November.. My VERY best of wishes to you, and seriously, it's looking AMAZING!! GREAT JOB BRO!!
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