Halo E3 News, Halo CE HD and Halo 4!

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you are not the only person who is jazzed about the chief returning, trust me. i giggled like a little girl when i saw the announcement..
i was worried that Halo 4 would never happen, and that they'd continue with other halo products..imagine a gaming future with only halo wars 2 on the horizon..that would have been a terrible game.
but, as soon as i saw the trailer, my doubts went away. i cannot wait until november! not to mention november/december next year..interminable, don't ya think!
See, I think I'll stick to the Mk VI armor. I am too protective of my junk to wear any armor without cod protection of any kind. Believe me, when I did Vader costuming, I was thankful for it because of a couple of accidents that involved kids not looking where they were swinging their lightsabers at cons.
can´t wait for see this seriously i thought that all ended in halo 3 lets hope 343 industries know how to handle the story...
See, I think I'll stick to the Mk VI armor. I am too protective of my junk to wear any armor without cod protection of any kind. Believe me, when I did Vader costuming, I was thankful for it because of a couple of accidents that involved kids not looking where they were swinging their lightsabers at cons.

I'm usually cosplaying as a power ranger so I'm used to it lol, did any one else think chief looked a bit on the buzz lightyear side when he came out the cryotube and used the whole jet pack thing? Need to make this suit though, got a year or so to get ot ready for the midnight launch!!
with that whole "it's not just his armor that's different" thing, i'm getting bad vibes of Alternate Universes a la J.J Abrams Star Trek. it better not be a parallel universe or something downright insulting like that. i love the Halo Universe for all it's intricacies, but adding another slew of implausible changes is going to broaden the "stop making the games before you kill it" base of people.
I doubt it will be something that bad, in my opinion I'm thinking that they mean Master Chief has been stuck on that ship for x amount of years with only Cortana, no UNSC no mission, no nothing. Not to mention the fact that Cortana went through alot with being stuck with gravemind, and chief lost 2 of his good friends (Miranda Keyes and SGT. Johnson) and the many people he lost during the whole war anyway. So i think what they mean is that Chief and Cortana have had alot of time to think about the whole life and death stuff and that chief has softened up a bit, but will have a kick ass return. If there are any 24 fans i think the chief will come back much like how Jack Bauer did when he came back from the Chinese, all soft then realises who he is and what is expected of him, and what is necessary to complete his mission. As for the jet pack thing, since they could have been on that frigate for so many years, it's just an upgrade that I'm thinking Cortana designed that because, they are in space and probably have been for many years so it's a good idea to have a jet pack for emergencies other wise your stuck floating around forever right? and if you thinking "how come he's got all new armor even though he's stuck in space?" If you notice on the right side of his chest he has the same damage from his mark VI, so im guessing it's not a new set of armour (mark VII) It's probably just a few modifications to his previous suit, so yeah that's my take on it :)
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