Halo Fan Art


I was just curious to see what others have created for fan art. While armor and weapons builds are definitely art, I was wondering what other art forms you all do. I'm a watercolorist and I have created a few paintings for our gaming room. I only started painting about five years or so ago and just do it as a hobby. Please share you art! Here are a few of my paintings...


I made this lil edit in photoshop wayyyy back in 2020. I still love it! It's a real photo, besides the horizon that I edited to go up like the halo ring.
That's awesome! Very well done. I haven't used photoshop in ages. I went to college for photography/graphic design but ended up going a different direction in my career.
here are some art projects I have done. The sculpture was done for a competition and was under a time crunch. but I am pretty happy with all of them.

Loving to see what everybody has made!

Your art is AMAZING I wish I could paint like you do!

Here's some of mine, I'm not the best at drawing and adding colour ( Colorblind here), but I find drawing relaxing so here some of my stuff!@

1) ODST (not done yet, I need to add more shading, I think.)

2) flood thing from Halo Wars 2

3) Reach's greatest Hero! Still trying to figure out how it should hold the gun xD


  • MOA.jpg
    169 KB · Views: 81
  • Flood.jpg
    198.4 KB · Views: 90
  • 1710213187508.png
    3.1 MB · Views: 128
holy crap! Another amazing 405th halo artist. Do you have any more of your art? If you could contact me on Instagram that would be cool. My username is blafftat1_
Your art is AMAZING I wish I could paint like you do!

Here's some of mine, I'm not the best at drawing and adding colour ( Colorblind here), but I find drawing relaxing so here some of my stuff!@

1) ODST (not done yet, I need to add more shading, I think.)

2) flood thing from Halo Wars 2

3) Reach's greatest Hero! Still trying to figure out how it should hold the gun xD
Thank you! Painting is relaxing too! I LOVE the Moa. Too funny!
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