I am new to this forum, having gotten here from the FB group. Anyway wanted to say that your modeling skills are INSANE! I also watched your video on youtube, and I only wish I could model in the way you do....I am not new to modeling, as I have been using Solidworks to model guitars and other parts, and also fusion360. I create parts with my home made CNC machine, as well as my 3d printers....anyway, I had a question, if it is allowed on this thread:
Have been a huge HALO fan forever, and I am currently in the process of finishing a Master Chief model (downloaded from gambody) Halo3/4 Era, and it is pretty good, but his Mjolnir Mark VI in Infinite is so freaking awesome! So, is there a way that you can export your model here, with the body, so that it can be printed as Model/Figurine? (so it can be used in a display/diorama type of thing...?). Not sure if you have modeled the suite under his armor.
I know that modeling is hard work, and I do not want to seem that I am simply just asking to go off and get this done.....so if I may ask, if you accept commission work to have something like this done?