Thanks for letting me know about the truck liner trick, I'll definitely be going that route for my Reach undersuit.
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Super helpful response, thanks!
i try to avoid post processing the inside of the print so i opt for printing in a much finer layer height.
If I may ask, what was your layer height, and how long did the neck seal print take? It looked pretty great in the photo, so, great work there!
Super helpful response, thanks!

If I may ask, what was your layer height, and how long did the neck seal print take? It looked pretty great in the photo, so, great work there!
i printed the neck seal in a .12 layer height! You can go even more detailed, just be ready for a longer print time.
Update: i went ahead and have completed the upper body and under suit. I am still missing the Torso, knee's for the under suit, but i have ran out of silicon so will have to wait to order some more. So far i think its coming out decent, i need to work on attaching the armor more secure to withstand walking around for long periods of time without anything falling off. other then that its coming along! here are some pictures of the suit on as of right now. i would say the whole suit is about 65% complete!

Thanks for sticking around! more to come in the future! remember to follow my Instagram also
That's awesome man! How are the gloves and elbows feeling? Is it ultra hot to wear? I'm a bit worried about that aspect here in FL, tbh.
So my gloves are a pair of motorcycle gloves atm, I might make the silicon ones also. But yes the chest and shoulders when worn get hot fast. I don't have the torso yet, but think of it as wearing one large condom! I'll post more videos and in depth on the Instagram to show off mobility!
I saw this suit on instagram and holy **** does it look amazing? The paintjob is great too! But that undersuit really completes the whole look. Are the files for those moulds available anywhere? I'd love to give this technique a shot.
Edit: I have found the files but I would still like to know how much silicone you needed for the torso piece! It's expensive and I'd hate to buy too much ^^
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Build Progress ----->
Hey guys thanks for stopping by, i just recently bought a Bambu labs x1c and now making a Halo infinite Chief suit. Iv gotten some progress done and thought i would share and hopefully get some good tips and maybe help other also! so far on the helmet i went ahead and scaled it to 100% from instinct creatives Master chief files. This particular helmet is the Halo series helmet. (i might make the infinite one also not sure) View attachment 352863View attachment 352864I then began the process of weathering the piece with some watered down black acrylic paint, patting down to get rid of the excess and the helmet started to get its final look. Likewise i used a cheap brush and spraypainted some chrome spray paint and brushed it on the corners to give it that scratched look. after i went ahead and sealed it all with a matte clear coat. View attachment 352865Then i went ahead and ordered a "Master Chief light kit" from a seller on etsy which ill paste the url for anyone interested
the quality was great and since I'm not the best with wiring i opted to purchase this kit. I secured it to the inside using hot glue just finding a place to put the wires so there not in the way nothing special here. View attachment 352866ill be cleaning up the inside of the helmet later, i also purchased a vac forming box from a great seller on etsy also from PVWoodshop. I then started to give vacuum forming a shot. I had purchased what i thought was PETG, that turned out to be PET and once i started heating it turned white and had no clarity. I then ordered some actual PETG .06mm and the problem went away. I first had a mold with 15% infill and 2walls and when i began to form over it, my buck began to melt (printed in petg)
After reaching out to N8TEBB and doing some digging I printed a new buck with 8 walls and 10% infill which solved my problem and the buck did not melt. Before forming i placed the buck in my freezer for about 5min and once the plastic was placed over, and vacuum sucked, I misted with a spray bottle to cool it faster along with hitting it with my air compressor. View attachment 352867View attachment 352868
Then again i followed N8TEBB's tutorial along with the galactic armory for tinting the visor using yellow idye poly, turns out i only had one packet, but it worked none the less. Then polished with some plastic polish scratch remover i got at my local AutoZone.View attachment 352869View attachment 352870
I then sprayed with my airbrush and used a chrome spray and this was the result. View attachment 352871View attachment 352872View attachment 352873So that is the Helmet so far! I do have a few more pieces that I'm finishing up, which i will post soon! I'm hoping the helmet is not too big i don't think it is but i might have to remake it at 95% for a really snug fit, but not sure yet until i have a few more pieces done to see how it looks. i did make one at 90% and it was too tight so it will be my sons lol. worst case i need to make another one at 95% and ill just sell this one. although i will make it using the exact same process. Thanks for stopping by yall, looking forward to more progress coming soon!
That helmet looks amazing!! Fantastic work on that weathering and those lights. Super super clean!
What's good man, first of all, gotta say your suit looks amazing. I'm trying to build one myself and I had a few questions if you don't mind. How did you print the molds for the bigger body parts? I cut them up into a lot of small parts but i fear it will show in the final product, and what infill did you use for the molds? It's gonna take a lot of plastic to print all those molds. My final question is what is your paint process like and what paints did you use for your suit? Anyways, it all looks awesome, i hope i can make mine look just as good.
Nicely done! I started this same type of build last year but stopped after 3 months to complete a screen accurate Cooper Howard, The Ghoul' costume from th3 Fallout TV series as I was a finalist in the MegaCon Masters of Cosplay Novice division contest 2 weeks ago. The centerpiece was a full head silicon mask I made from Smooth-on Ecoflex 00-30 platinum silicon. Now that that contest is over I'm returning to my MC build. I'm currently sewing the undersuit in 2 piers like they did for the Tv show, a long sleeve jacket and a pair of pants using 4-way stretch material with the ribbing sewn in. My plan is to cast the shoulder, elbow and neck undersuit pieces in Ecoflex that are visible which will slide over the long sleeve jacket using the GA mold files. The big change is that I'm going to cast all the external armor out of a semi rigid resin vice PLA so that the suit is way more comfortable to wear and I'm making mods so you can sit down, etc. the boots will also now be flexible enough so that your gate while walking doesn't resemble a semi drunk robot ... lol. All the armor pieces except for the chest have been 3D printed which will be the bucks for the molds. I'll be watching your progress with interest


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My man this is easily one of the most game accurate Chief suits I’ve seen, nice work! I remember seeing awhile ago someone water cooled their Ab wrap. Could be something to look into if heat’s a big problem.

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