Foam Halo infinite leaked MK VI gen 1 foam unfold help?


New Member
Hello! I’ve been silent on here for quite a few months since I’ve made an update on my MK VII build but I was awoken from my slumber when I saw the halo infinite model for MK VI gen 1 and I was desperately wondering if anyone has been able to get there hands on the game model? I specifically am looking for any news on foam unfolds but I know that since the armor isn’t in game it might be so far out of reach. If anyone has any info please let me know!!
i'm working my way through unfolding the model (got the model from the halo archive discrord)
However I will say that some pieces are no better than the armory unfolds. But the bicep pieces for sure are better on the infinite mk6 gen1.
I took all the pieces into blender and rotated and lined it up for proper scaling.
(shoulders are from the armory here tho security)

Unfortunately part way through my unfold the file corrupted so I started over and am only just about done with the forearm now.
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