Halo Inspired Morale/Recruitment Posters

Hey was wondering if I could use some of these posters for a project I'm working on? I just want to make sure before I do implement them.
I wouldn't see most people having issues with it, so long as you ask the creators for permission and give credit for the works.
After 4 days and 2156 polygons my next poster is done. I'm tired and never want to see hexagons again lol. Thank you OFiveTwo and JTF4 for the photo reference!

I don't see an issue with that! Whatcha working on?
I was working on a personal art project of a coffee shop and figured I'll make a 405th love letter out the whole thing and thought the posters would look nice on the walls of this coffee shop. I'll probably make a new thread detailing the concept here soon.
I wouldn't see most people having issues with it, so long as you ask the creators for permission and give credit for the works.
I figured as much but thank you for the confirmation Delta.

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