Well I'm pretty sure I could convert the chest file into just a jetpack that would go over someones shoudlers, it woud'nt look like the Reach jetpack but people would get the idea, also Devilfish101 is currently modelling the helmet, I'm waiting for him so I can unfold it.
Man, that would make a killer juggernaught gametype, bungie could include one of these as a vehicle if they really wanted to. Everyone tries to kill the big heavily armed and supiorly armored individual and get their asses kicked in the prcess
when i first saw this thread, i thought Chief's armor from the package, but when I
saw this, this is a heckalotta cooler than that. I mean, Halo's equivalent to War
Machine? yes please!
Hi Guys, Im the one who created the 3d model.
Im still waiting for payment as Nintendude is still in the hospital.
Im glad you all like the model though.