Paint Detailing: Round 1
For those who want to follow in the footsteps of this build the following colours were used and applied following the written directions of the manufacturers. This first round is to achieve a base level of weathering which gives the illusion of dirt and grime accumulation, after several wears I'll be adding chip damage at natural points of collisions and scrapes based on armour scratching and adding some points of story damage.

The shopping list is as follows. Links are to American Home Depot because I thought I'd switch it up for a change.
Painting was completed over the course of eight days to allow for cure times. Everything was primed in Gray, colour coated in red and then sections that were black were masked out. The black sections were then selectively highlighted with metallic black if the parts were mechanical in nature (venting and panels). Gasket material on the legs was given a rubberized texture using Leak Seal. Secondary armour colours were left as a satin black.
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Tertiary armour colours (yellow) were masked out, white was applied to brighten contrast and then two coats of airbrush yellow was applied.
View attachment 268883

Using a brown that still has hints of red as a shadow/dust shade in armour recesses allows panels and details that would normally blend in to pop and stand out. It's all a game of exaggerating detail while still blending in and staying believable. This requires an accurate hand with an airbrush and a plan of approach. Since the trick to airbrushing is starting off of your canvas and planning a path on where you're going without focusing on where you are, some sections are more difficult than others. Focus on creases and recesses between plates and if you can't find a path off of the piece start and end in a place that would naturally have heavy shadow and grime.
View attachment 268885

Put it all together and admire your new SPARTAN-II operative. Thanks to CplYapFlip for the glamour shot of Daisy-023!
View attachment 268886

There's still some posts left in this 3D printed suit thread including the tech suit sewing, weapon props, heavy weathering and electronics so stay tuned!
Awesome work!! That last pic, at first I thought was from the film!
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You're the most beautiful anime chick in armour ever, of all time.

good job.gif
Very nice! The level of accuracy you go for is amazing. Before I started making armor or knew what the 405th was, the very first Spartan I saw was a Daisy. It was so cool, and I haven't seen anyone else cosplay Daisy until now!
Long time no post but this is a justified update since now the suit is technically complete since there's now a teddy bear charm and I can now safely call this armour set Daisy-023.

The charm is a bit over sized for the sake of visibility and the fact that I have big dumb meat hands that aren't great at sewing things much smaller. Another factor is the small arms and legs of the bear at this point were difficult to invert and fill with stuffing, if scaled down further I'd probably have to either change material or assembly methods. Luckily the material list on this prop are extremely cheap, the most expensive part being the buttons used for the nose and eyes, all the other materials are leftover fleecy fabric and cottons.

To make the head of the bear, I started with making a pattern off of a styrofoam ball that was roughly the size that I wanted the comically large head to be. The pattern was a simple painters tape pattern that was drawn on to outline the main shape of the head and the snout. Four panels were needed for the head, two of which have a cutout for the snout and are mirror symmetrical.

The four pieces were assembled, the front two, the back two and then the two halves. Once the main sections were sewn together the white of the snout was attached and then the buttons for the eyes and nose. Looking back I should have added the ears at this stage and sewn their bases between the seam of the two halves but I'm kind of dumb so schwatevs, I used a ladder stitch to hide my crimes and pull the fabric together.

The belly/body follows a similar procedure to the head but is instead two pieces.

The arms and legs are simple rectangles, sewn into tubes and then one end is closed with a circle of white fabric ladder stitched on to make a paw, extremely easy and quick.

The head and limbs were attached to the body with a ladder stitch and a loop of ribbon was sewn to the top of the head so that it can be connected to the armour.

And there you have it, Daisy-023 is done. At least until I start adding upgrades :lol:

Chris Halo - June 2019-013-1.jpg

Photo credit to Kyle Robinson Photography
Your teddy charm turned out cute :3
You say that but he's clearly reaching for the knife. I'm scared.

Awesome work man, fantastic job!! Classic MK VI is beast!!!
Cheers man, I'm looking forward to your Mk. VI gear!

Dang that's clean. I weather as a crutch.
I think I'm gonna do color on my next build. That red is so deep.
This build is light on weathering, just a focus on exaggerating detail. Also being a beacon of pride for the glorious Red Team.
Dear 405th, it took me 1045 days to get to 1000 posts. 312 days after that, I've hit 2000.

Just a heads up, this is a lot of images, links and shout outs to a bunch of cool people, if you don't like that sort of thing, I'm not sure we can be friends anymore. Here's hoping this post doesn't break the forum!

Much like the last time I did this reflection I've only seen personal growth in my skills as a maker and as a (hopefully) helpful member of the community. Since Post #1000 I've designed props for myself and friends alike. Some have been bucket list items, some have been challenges to my skills and some have just been for fun!

Halo 2 - Anniversary M6C

Halo 3/Halo 3:ODST - M7S

Halo Reach - C12 Shaped Charge

Halo Reach - Type 1 Energy Weapon

Halo Reach - Type-51 DER/I

Halo 3 - Multiplayer Medals


Credit to Hanamaru Photography / CplYapFlip


Credit to Aperture Industries / Rinzlerr


Credit to Hanamaru Photography / CplYapFlip


Credit to Spartan Props / Drachorn





Credit to Hanamaru Photography / CplYapFlip


Credit to Aperture Industries / Rinzlerr


Credit to Aperture Industries / Rinzlerr


Credit to Kyle Robinson Photography

And it's not just Halo stuff, sometimes I pretend to like other videogames and anime.

Animal Crossing New Leaf - Bells

Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc - Dream Wand

My main goal with the 405th is education and positive impact so whenever possible, I'm going to a convention, I'm going to talk to people about the 405th and they're going to learn something or have some fun. There's no arguing that, fun or learn something. But most importantly through the help of all the amazing people of the 405th we've been able to start so many things that bring others joy that all of this building nerdy things from our childhoods became a force of good. Over these few months we've been able to gain momentum, grow the community and do some awesome work out there!

September 2018
PAX West
Together a dream team of EVAkura, HitboxWorkshop, LongShot X, PerniciousDuke and I presented an introduction to armour making and the 405th in the Hippogriff Theatre of PAX. I was woefully outclassed by their skills but they wanted me as an MC since I'm the approachable one who can speak in laymans terms I guess? 10/10 experience, would definitely speak to a room of people about making armour again.
I take part in a Halo themed photoshoot deemed too racy for the 405th
MCon Nanaimo
Flying solo(ish) for this one I packed up a bunch of arts and crafts supplies and went to do some workshops about prop making!

December 2018

Vancouver Canucks Game Day
As a first outing of Delta Battalion, five of us (Artifice, awildshannon, CplYapFlip and Rinzlerr) brought our gear to interact with the kids and have some fun while a new Vancouver based e-sports team was announced at a non-e-sports team played sportball.

January 2019
Viper 466 may look scary but he has a heart of gold. The Canadian Regiment banded together to gather toys, books, letters and messages of hope for a young Halo fan in a patch of bad luck.

February 2019
FANGS was silly enough to make me a Community Staff Member. She still considers the fallout to this day.

March 2019
Capital City Comic Con
Delta Battalion strikes again with awildshannon, CplYapFlip, Rinzlerr and LastMinute taking up microphones to teach the community about armour building.


April 2019

ArcSol and PerniciousDuke were dragged to the snowy north to partake in the first Delta/WaBat Joint Operation.

May 2019
The official start of Bucket to Boots!

Panel with CplYapFlip and iac300
Video credit to TimmCosplay

June 2019

Delta/WaBat strike again with more sweet videos and military hardware!

And after ALL that we're not slowing down because Delta, WaBat, the Canadian Regiment and the whole gosh darned 405th are on a roll into Halo Outpost Discovery and at this point there's no stopping this 66 tonne M808B of a group. This is just a slice of my life for the past 1000 posts on the 405th, I can't wait to be here beside you all cheering through the next 1000. See you planetside.
So I need to consume alcohol to be good at building? Wow I've been doing it wrong this whole time then
That's how I've been doing it. Play some rock-n-roll, drink a beer, build a suit.
Idk if I'd agree it makes you better, but it does seem to make it more fun.

Also, I'll need to wait until after work to read that post above, it looks intense.
So I need to consume alcohol to be good at building? Wow I've been doing it wrong this whole time then
Usually it's an after the build thing if I pull an 8 hour day at work and then 8 hours of crafting, or you know, 16 hours of crafting. Always moderation and always after using the power tools and sharp things, never before.

Also, I'll need to wait until after work to read that post above, it looks intense.
It's a lot of links to threads that also link to external things so if you're interested in jumping down the rabbit hole, have fun!
so if you're interested in jumping down the rabbit hole, have fun!
I think we both know how this story ends.

Usually it's an after the build thing if I pull an 8 hour day at work and then 8 hours of crafting, or you know, 16 hours of crafting. Always moderation and always after using the power tools and sharp things, never before.
Just adding emphasis to this point, cause it's more or less the same for me. Main difference is I work as a software engineer, not making props.
I think we both know how this story ends.
View attachment 272554

Just adding emphasis to this point, cause it's more or less the same for me. Main difference is I work as a software engineer, not making props.
Just avoid the obvious traps labelled "EAT ME" and "DRINK ME"

My Boring Every Day Job is being a computer engineer tasked doing mechanical engineering stuff so you know, fun with welds and steel when I learned about microcontrollers and architecture.
My Boring Every Day Job is being a computer engineer tasked doing mechanical engineering stuff so you know, fun with welds and steel when I learned about microcontrollers and architecture.
I wouldn't have fallen for those traps anyways, I'm not good with directions.

I mean, that sounds kinda fun, but more as like a 'I get to do something different at work today' thing rather than the everyday. Glad to see there's more computer engineering related people on here though :)
Wow! I loved reading through this thread, especially about the reflection on a years worth of work. I really like the amount of detail you go into with your build. Definitely some good stuff to refer back to such as the visors. I wonder if it would be possible to use the Aclad II lacquer without an airbrush?
Awesome work bro, I'm trying so hard to get my Chief to philly to meet you in person. Im starting to feel the pressure a little bit!!


My Boring Every Day Job is being a computer engineer tasked doing mechanical engineering stuff so you know, fun with welds and steel when I learned about microcontrollers and architecture.

Isn't it strange how when you go to work it is drudgery, but when you apply it to something non- work related, it becomes fun?

I've always found that interesting.
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