Halo Marine Fanfilm 56K Warning! (Huge Update!)

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You can get away with modern marine atire, with regards to just about anything except the armor. So for instance in my movie there is a surprise attack sequence in which there is only one marine in armor. The rest are attired in scattered appearance, but military appearance.

As filmmaker to filmmaker use your resources, you can still make a great movie with NO budget at all.
That's very true Chewdog.

We (My brother and me) made a film in 1 day that won 1st place the IPHC National Fine Arts Compition in Greensboro, NC.
I'm building a set of Halo 1 armor using Pepakura. I'm thinking that it may be better to have different costumes for the marines because they're a ragtag group.
papamurf812 said:
Can you possibly PM me an estimate of what you're price is gonna be?
Didn't microsoft just say that's illegal? lol.
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When i contacted bungie about making a fanfilm, they said as long as you arent making any money off of it then your okay.

For instance tshirt sales, there werent any HALO logos and the picture was changed enough that no one would care to press charges. Not only that but Im not making any money on them, they go straight to the films fund. Follow rules like that and anyone can do anything.
Not that much really but im trying to make a Halo action figure movie and let all of mjolnir armor see it if i know how to post movies in the websites
Host it on YouTube.

And you'll have to stop-motion animate it. Good luck with it. It'll take you about 6000 shots for a 2.5 minute movie if you do a "true" 30 frames/second
We're going to promote the movie by getting a bunch of marines to head off to Gamestop September 25th and chill there for a while. We'll take plenty of pix and probably shoot some video. Anyone else doing anything like this?
I dont wana be mean and i would love to help BUT this is agesnt M$'s new rule :( read the accounent. Im all for makeing this though! and I can CGI if you need help PM me :)
The only thing I think we're breaking would be You can’t add to the game universe or expand on the story told in the game with “lost chapters” or back story or anything like that. But it doesn't have anything to do with the story and although it does have a story, it technically won't add to the story told in the game. It is simply a story in the universe of the game. We also won't have Halo in the name, it'll be something like UNSC or something. We also don't plan on selling it. If machinisma [sp?] is allowed, that is pretty much what it'll be. We're just using things like characters and species and such from the game to tell a story of our own.
We are doing promotions at the midnight release of the game next month at the gamestop at the mall.

SHould be pretty cool we will have a table playing the trailer and tshirts and flyers. MC will be walking around taking pics.
If people can make a Clone Wars-era Fanima about a Jedi Betrayal, then there's precedence for this sort of thing in other intellectual property (Although none that M$ owns). Hopefully y'all'll be fine.
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