Hi guys !
Finnally I'm back again...

I'm sorry for the long absence. I changed my job and my girlfriend is gone after 4 years of living together. Anyway.
I am again operational
I was already amazed with the amount of detail you've put into this, and then I saw the garbage bag. You sir, are truly an amazing creator.
Thank you

the garbage bag are very easy to make.
Wow, can't believe I hadn't seen this thread before.
Just went through the whole thread and now have a headache due to my mind exploding again and again to the amount of tiny details on every piece.
Truly amazing, I am looking forward to seeing new updates now
The whole thread ?! Waooh, you're brave ! The next update is here now !
Truth be told this thread is part of the reason I started working on my halo related projects again, very nice work!
Those trash bags are a great idea, I can't wait to see the next update.
Edit: I must ask, is there a particular tool you use to make the edges of your parts so clean? ie: 90 degree edge here ==> [____ instead of a sloppy, slanted edge ===> /_____
I'm happy to hear that !
When I started working with PVC, I do not always manage to cut straight. But since I use this :
http://www.giss.fr/image-content/visuels/845091_800.jpg and all are well. I wedge my cutter blade and the cut is straight.
Im always happy to see updates. These latest pics from the structure give some hint about the scale of this entire thing, but is it possible to put EVERYTHING you have done so far in a same pic? Just to see the overview of the whole diorama, you know.
If I make a picture of everything I made, you will not have an overview of the whole diorama : only a preview of the first part of the diorama. But the photos of what you request will be here soon !
I have some new photos for you. Not much but the next update will be more attractive given that this part of the diorama is almost complete !!
The whole building is assembled. I have to take care of some details and it will be good.
This one for example: to make the joint between the different parts.
A small supply. There are some for the diorama and for my next creations.
A detail.
A small trial to produce waste in the city (soda, paper ans newspaper)
It is the modeling clay to bake and after it is translucent. It is for plasma shots.
A mixture : plaster, wood glue and paint !
The mixture will serve me to create concrete that was left (after the explosion) on the metal mesh of the building.
New chair = better working conditions
There are a few times I decided to take the HALO 4 battle rifles for diorama because I found them prettier. Big mistake ! Here are the real ones !
And the real Assault rifles too !
Very, very small detail !
A small preview of what will happen in other parts of the diorama ! I'm super excited !!
The new warning sign !
Not nice...
Ooooh better ! (it's just a test)
That's all for now, but I come back soon for further work, I promise!
Oh by the way ! I am also behind the diorama because I had a special request of a French fan.
That's what took me time !
This is the first replica that I make : I had a hard time doing it, but I think the result is correct. The magazine is removable ! I'm about to do the casting and to make copies in resin.