HALO Pitch Trailer

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Hey guys and gals,

Sorry for being off and on with this thread- things are slow on our end right now, as we're waiting for a number of things to come together (love the waiting game- it's like real-life Team Snipers).

In terms of casting, you may know that everyone can read lines, but few people can deliver them well. We've been having that trouble so far in terms of finding great actors/actresses for this- they've really been unimpressive aside from a handful thus far. We're waiting to hear back from a few more casting places before deciding to make this a 1920s silent film with text frames.

What I am pleased to share with all of you is an in-progress piece that effects artist Eric Jarman has been working on for us (plus a couple of other things). The production team at Digital Skylight is very glad to have this brilliant guy on-board!



That's right- we're making a move to shoot something actually based on Halo! Other fan films are making stories based in other reaches of the Halo universe, so we want to try and give the fans something different. Don't worry- the backstory of Master Chief is still there and we'll get on it, but we're waiting on MJOLNIR armor to come in, as well as some weapons.

More updates soon!


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I quickly read through this. There were a few words that just stuck in my mind:

Vancouver - Very near from where I live.
Halo shoot - Very thrilled to see another group doing a Halo realated shoot.
Waiting on armor - I can't wait to see what it looks like.

Very excited to see how this will turn out!
I wish ya the very best on this project!

I quickly read through this. There were a few words that just stuck in my mind:

Vancouver - Very near from where I live.
Halo shoot - Very thrilled to see another group doing a Halo realated shoot.
Waiting on armor - I can't wait to see what it looks like.

Very excited to see how this will turn out!
I wish ya the very best on this project!


Thanks LongShot! It will be fun once the ball gets rolling. As for location, I should clarify that I was working up in Vancouver for a bit, but we're based in Chicago!
I figured that. :)
But... those few words still hold true.
...and still can't wait to see how it turns out. :) :) :)
Good news is: we casted Kelly. She will be played by a stunning 6'2 model by the name of Elle. More details to come soon on that (once I get clearance on putting up a headshot of her).

Thanks for sticking with us on this!
So- more delays, delays, delays. We're mainly just waiting on one person to pull marine armor (we haven't seen anything on our end yet, even since the last post nearly a month ago), which has unfortunately pushed our shoot date back to the middle of June at the earliest. Needless to say, the crew isn't happy, and we lost an actor because he wasn't satisfied with how things were(not) progressing. We need the armor in order to lock locations- we'd rather not have everyone involved block out their schedules until then. The marine armor plays a huge part in this shoot, and without it, we really don't have anything to film.

Again, we want to be as transparent as possible- my film company is made up of (and only contracts film work out to) people who are straightforward and get the job done. Jester1014, for instance, has never fallen short of just that with the Spartan armor build, and any delays there have been, he's been forthright with. If he was a filmmaker, I'd work with him every day.

Anyways, we're supposed to get more ARs and other gear in by the end of next week from another master craftsman, and are doing one final round of casting starting today (Thursday) until next Wednesday. Once that finishes up, we'll take some video of what the props look like, create a fan page on Facebook, and put out newsletters.

On behalf of this project, I apologize for how much we hyped this up only to have such lengthy delays. I'll keep everyone updated as things come through!

Thanks for sticking with us!
A lot us of are working as best we can too, Life just gets in the way and is extremely unexpected. We'll get there though.

Problem solved with the helm btw, I'll be finishing up the seam filling tomorrow, and painting shall commence! Pics from my end will not be posted until I get a new cam to use though, mine ate it.... or I should say was eaten by my windsheild... long story there.

Everybody just please keep those fingers crossed and knock on as much wood as possible, NO JINXIES!....
I know you have mentioned some actress/actors I was wondering if your going to post some pics of them with there characters name.
I know you have mentioned some actress/actors I was wondering if your going to post some pics of them with there characters name.

Yes, I am getting clearance to provide their headshots on here. As of now, I'm also waiting to hear back from two other actors, who may be dropping out as well because of how many times we've been set back so far (they have theater shows to do as well this summer). Once I do, I'll make a FB page and have all info up!
Yeah, I'm sort of interested, according to others I'm a great artist, I can work with Oil paints, pastels, digital graphics and pencils. I'll do a poster or whatever... if you are intersted please get back to me. If you just gave me The info or whatever to know what to draw or paint or use digital graphics so I can start whenever possible.

Thanks. :)
Hey guys and gals,

So, I've received permission from two of our actresses to put up headshots so far- waiting still to hear from a number of others, but here they are:

This is Nicole, who will be playing Cortana:

And here is Elle, who will be playing Kelly:

Enjoy and I'll keep all of you posted when more approvals come in!

Hey guys and gals,
And here is Elle, who will be playing Kelly:

Enjoy and I'll keep all of you posted when more approvals come in!

*Jaw Drops* I didn't realize Spartans could be so beautiful! ;) I look forward to seeing where this project leads. I think there is a lot of potential here.
why must you live in chicago? anyways great video very legitimate and i cannot wait to see what you come up with. Good luck
Thanks! We have a ton of great actors and actresses lined up, so they don't only look great, but will deliver amazing performances as well!

Also, wanted to give a big shout out to those who have been working on weapons etc. - packages arrived today and they're awesome! You know who you are- so thank you!

Does anyone by chance do concept art or is interested in making a poster? We'd love to get some help.

I'd love to help.
I've posted some HALO artwork on here before, which you've posted in: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/30827-Check-out-my-HALO-paintings!-(picture-heavy)
Most of my recent artwork is on my tumblr: http://jirk.tumblr.com/archive
I have a website, but the gallery still needs updating: http://www.jirkworks.com/

if you'd like to see something more specific, PM me and we can talk! :)
here are some early pictures of the marine armor.






i will be putting a few layer of resin on the foam to give it a more solid feel and sound since it will be in a film


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Marine foam armor looks awesome! Btw, ChrisRunner55 is not the guy I was complaining about- the original marine armor builder, Vrogy, just never followed through. No wonder he was banned from 405th...

Great job, Chris!
Plasti dip should give it the sound you want.

Got my cam back and running picks up in 20. minutes when they're finished loading.

Ok, the visor is being chromed as i speak. These pics are some slow progress but this is what i'm using to keep the helm stable on the wearer.

I'm using tile sealant to fill the seams and bubbles from the foam and dip, other than a little discoloration, this stuff is great, it's sandable once it's cured for 24 hours. No seams what so ever.


I'll see if I can recover the pics of it primed, these were takin last week on another camera and mine isn't alowing usb usage yet.
things are coming along a lot better.


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