One thing to keep in mind that is very important is MAKE SURE HAIR IN REGULATION. it may just be me since i'm in ROTC, but if hair is not in military regulation then it will but the crap out of me. In case yo don't know i'll post what regulation is for males and females.
Male: hair can not touch ears, hair can not interfere with cover (hat), hair can not touch collar
Again, there's a wide range out there, so consider running any characters you're depicting by a military technical adviser and getting their feedback on what sort of haircut fits each personality.
Generally though, the thing to avoid is having every Marine rock some permy, fashionable, poofy haircut. You might get one Marine that squeezes by, but I've never seen a whole unit manage that (like in "the Babysitter"...). Marine Corps regulations nonwithstanding (can't be expected to enforce regs as stringently in combat), fancy hairdos aren't practical for helmets or for maintaining in shitty areas of the galaxy.
You havent answered me yet about the grunt.
You havent answered me yet about the grunt.
L3x, everything looks great! However, I must say that I am a bit disappointed with one thing- the Arizona Sweet Tea jug. If you ever come across the 23oz Peace Tea in a 7-11 or other gas station, check it out!
Thanks again for contributing your great work to this- I showed this to the director, Keith, tonight and he was absolutely blown away. You've set the standard for detail!
Hey guys, thanks for the post. Jester and I have been in touch and it seems like the best route to go is the Reach Mark V helmet that you can buy in the armory- I notice very little difference between this and the original CE Mark V helmet, except the Reach one seems much more detailed and would make for better pepping. If this is incorrect at all, or you guys feel like this will stray too much from the original, speak up. We want to keep this as true to the storyline as possible- none of that all-too-familiar story/character mutilation done out in Hollywood.
I'm 99% happy with where I have the script. I can foresee us starting to shoot some things in the beginning of April if all continues at the speed it's going.
In response to chitwood, I have to say that we will include snippets of what you've mentioned. It'll be a great montage to fill people in during this short pitch trailer. The only question I have is in regards to confusion. I'm rereading First Strike yet again, and I see that he's referred to as John 117, but in the 2nd or 3rd Halo game, he calls himself S-117 (Sierra 117). Any thoughts on that?
I am going to run a few green screen tests of how we might go forward with a live Cortana- I plan to have a test shot by Tuesday, and the clip up by Tuesday evening. Please keep in mind that because we haven't casted anyone yet, it will probably be a plain-looking girl (no offense) that you'll see.
I am working with a couple of local producers my age right now to try and get casting sessions for Cortana, the Chief, and a couple other famous faces in.
We will be as transparent as possible with this whole shoot (aside from what specifically is in the trailer until its release!)- it's important to us to keep the members of 405th updated on the progress. We'll try our best not to fade off into nothingness for a year like I heard Operation: Chastity did (they had their reasons, no doubt).
Keep the posts and suggestions coming!
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For your Cortana: Set the shot up for Black Key. Background all black, your caracter should have any clear(completely see-through) Patterns painted on in black."Pasties" and body paint would be the best route if your Cortana is going to be a Live actor. then in after effects just use the "Holomatrix" plug -in. Very very fast hologram work up. Ah, found something on Youtube.