Halo Reach Armor Build (First Project)

This looks great! You and I are using some of the same files, I'm excited to see how yours turns out too.

What scale is this at? I'm about to start printing forearms and I've been trying to dial in the sizing for them. I wasn't sure if I was going to need to use the optional "two part" prints for the forearms, but yours looks great in one piece!
I'm pretty excited to have the rest of the prints done for sure!

I sized the armor to fit like it does in Halo Reach, which tends to be a bit bulkier. I'm 5'8 and was able to print the wrists at 1.2 scale.

I also printed the chest and back at 1.1 scale, but that's not completely done yet. The chest seems to fit great, but I'm waiting on the back (takes roughly 36hrs per piece out of 6 pieces).

I'm sure you've heard of Armorsmith already, but that's what I use and I highly recommend it. I scaled my helmet using Microsoft 3D Builder and making a sphere with my head measurement, but that only gave me a rough estimate and was much more work than just putting your measurements into Armorsmith.

Can't wait to see your armor as you get it printed!
I'm pretty excited to have the rest of the prints done for sure!

I sized the armor to fit like it does in Halo Reach, which tends to be a bit bulkier. I'm 5'8 and was able to print the wrists at 1.2 scale.

I also printed the chest and back at 1.1 scale, but that's not completely done yet. The chest seems to fit great, but I'm waiting on the back (takes roughly 36hrs per piece out of 6 pieces).

I'm sure you've heard of Armorsmith already, but that's what I use and I highly recommend it. I scaled my helmet using Microsoft 3D Builder and making a sphere with my head measurement, but that only gave me a rough estimate and was much more work than just putting your measurements into Armorsmith.

Can't wait to see your armor as you get it printed!
Yes, I have been working with Armorsmith! It's been an interesting program to work with, I feel like it works really well for sizing some parts but not as well for others. It really easily worked for helmet, but had a lot of trouble with the arm stuff-- for me at least. But I've been using a combination of Armorsmith, and printing the first few mm of a piece as like a "sizing ring". It's been really effective.

At first it seemed odd that one would have to print the different parts at different scales, like "why wouldn't it all be proportionate" but then I have to remind myself that everyone's proportions are different and thus so will the prints lol!

We've both got this!
Upper Torso

Finished the upper torso pieces, including the chest, back, and the little sides that connect the two under the arm. I am pretty happy with how it came out, but not all the pieces fit together perfectly. The pieces that don't fit perfect are barely noticeable, but I should be able to patch them up later to make them look better.

The only bad piece of the print is on the chest where the base plate lifted during printing, but I should be able to fill it with other parts and then sand it. Push comes to shove, I'll just reprint the bad piece.


I tried it on and found that it fits perfectly, but holy smokes is this thing heavy. :lol:

I think I'll print out the bicep and shoulder pieces next...
This is looking great! I’m doing a similar build so I’ll be excited to see how you do the shoulders ( I’m having a hard time finding solid files for Emiles security shoulders),
Nerdforge Designs has a good Security shoulders that I got recently, see if those look good!
I got those actually! I got my base armor from there too, but those files for some reason are missing the actual shoulder. It has the Kukri and Bicep but not shoulder itself : (. I’m hoping it gets updated soon because that’s all I got left to print
I got those actually! I got my base armor from there too, but those files for some reason are missing the actual shoulder. It has the Kukri and Bicep but not shoulder itself : (. I’m hoping it gets updated soon because that’s all I got left to print
SAME HAPPENED TO ME omg, I thought that was fixed. I emailed the creator and they emailed me back about this, they sent me the files directly. Send me a PM!
I will follow your progress as I will be doing an Halo Reach build too. You are progressing well.

I got the Nerdforge design armor too. Love the details of the armor but I don't know about you but it is really poorly optimize for printing. The thickness of the part and don't get me started on the swiss cheese chest piece if you want the version that can fit lights.
I will follow your progress as I will be doing an Halo Reach build too. You are progressing well.

I got the Nerdforge design armor too. Love the details of the armor but I don't know about you but it is really poorly optimize for printing. The thickness of the part and don't get me started on the swiss cheese chest piece if you want the version that can fit lights.
Swiss cheese is a good way to describe it!

Since that last update I was able to print out the biceps (which were too big ) as well as a boot. I was in the middle of printing a calf piece (13 hours in) when I noticed my extruder motor wasn't pushing filament through. So now I have to figure out what the problem is with that. Definitely a learning experience!

The prints are definitely thick, but I've dropped them and rammed them into walls several times and they held up very well, so the thickness isn't terrible. Just takes a lifetime to print everything.
A bit too late for yours but here is a picture of the interior of my chest. I used "3DBuilder" to cut slots for the light on the full version instead of printing the swiss cheese version :)
I use 3D Builder quite a bit for the splitting process but I didn't use it to fill the cheese. I guess I didn't cut the cheese...
Just a small, pictureless update on the project. I was able to print out the biceps, but they seemed larger than I had initially hoped, so I'm going to reprint them and give the ones that I did print to friend of mine that they do fit.

I also printed the boot, which I have sitting on top of a rubber boot for now until I figure out how to attach it.

I was in the middle of printing one of the lower leg armors when I noticed that my printer was not extruding, so I wasted probably 7 hours and had to clean out the hot end since it was just a pool of molten PLA. After I got that fixed up, I tried to figure out what caused it to stop. I found that the wires that connect to the extruder were getting caught on the motor in the back and must've pulled it enough to trip the motor and have it stop working. I found a tight spot in that cable and clipped the zip-tie that was holding it, which seems to have stopped the issue. I guess on larger prints, it would end up essentially wrapping the cable around the motor instead of gliding over it, which it now does. :)

I've been running a few prints to make sure it is good to go, and it seems to be working, so I'll be starting up the armor printing again here shortly. I'm going to try and be finished in time for the Washington State Gaming Expo in March, but we'll see how it all goes.
Just a small, pictureless update on the project. I was able to print out the biceps, but they seemed larger than I had initially hoped, so I'm going to reprint them and give the ones that I did print to friend of mine that they do fit.

I also printed the boot, which I have sitting on top of a rubber boot for now until I figure out how to attach it.

I was in the middle of printing one of the lower leg armors when I noticed that my printer was not extruding, so I wasted probably 7 hours and had to clean out the hot end since it was just a pool of molten PLA. After I got that fixed up, I tried to figure out what caused it to stop. I found that the wires that connect to the extruder were getting caught on the motor in the back and must've pulled it enough to trip the motor and have it stop working. I found a tight spot in that cable and clipped the zip-tie that was holding it, which seems to have stopped the issue. I guess on larger prints, it would end up essentially wrapping the cable around the motor instead of gliding over it, which it now does. :)

I've been running a few prints to make sure it is good to go, and it seems to be working, so I'll be starting up the armor printing again here shortly. I'm going to try and be finished in time for the Washington State Gaming Expo in March, but we'll see how it all goes.
oof, sorry about the printer. Just started my boot campaign as well. I'm trying to figure out how to pad out the ankle area so it doesn't look like a small black spandex stick is connecting the shins to the boots lol.
oof, sorry about the printer. Just started my boot campaign as well. I'm trying to figure out how to pad out the ankle area so it doesn't look like a small black spandex stick is connecting the shins to the boots lol.
The boots definitely seem tricky. I'm hoping that because I used actual rubber boots that it will help with the look in that ankle/shin area, but I guess I'll find out. o_O
Just another small pictureless update.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to print anything else out since I just moved to a new place. But, my printing station is now set up and ready to go so I should be able to resume the printing very soon.

I will likely be reprinting the shin pieces out, since they are what failed last time and will post update pictures once they are finished.

See you around. ;)
Just another small pictureless update.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to print anything else out since I just moved to a new place. But, my printing station is now set up and ready to go so I should be able to resume the printing very soon.

I will likely be reprinting the shin pieces out, since they are what failed last time and will post update pictures once they are finished.

See you around. ;)
Good luck man! Can't wait to see.
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