Halo Reach Armor Build (First Project)

Just another small pictureless update.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to print anything else out since I just moved to a new place. But, my printing station is now set up and ready to go so I should be able to resume the printing very soon.

I will likely be reprinting the shin pieces out, since they are what failed last time and will post update pictures once they are finished.

See you around. ;)
I feel it, having to readjust is a bit of a pain. Can’t wait to see it!
Man this build is amazing! I'm currently trying to print Emile's helmet from reach, any advice? anyway great looking helmet!
Thanks! If I had any advice to give, it would be to definitely expect failed prints, but to keep pushing on anyways. I finally have my printer settings figured out to where 8/10 prints are pretty flawless but it took a bit to get there.

Some other advice I would give is to make sure that you have a good layer height set. I did too big of a layer height for my helmet, which caused it to have some pretty jagged spots that are going to be a pain to sand out and made the accessories unusable, which I'll be reprinting.

Another bit of advice would be to use tree supports instead of the normal ones. It saves a significant amount of time when removing the supports and from my experience also saves filament.

Best of luck with the Emile helmet!!
Thanks! If I had any advice to give, it would be to definitely expect failed prints, but to keep pushing on anyways. I finally have my printer settings figured out to where 8/10 prints are pretty flawless but it took a bit to get there.

Some other advice I would give is to make sure that you have a good layer height set. I did too big of a layer height for my helmet, which caused it to have some pretty jagged spots that are going to be a pain to sand out and made the accessories unusable, which I'll be reprinting.

Another bit of advice would be to use tree supports instead of the normal ones. It saves a significant amount of time when removing the supports and from my experience also saves filament.

Best of luck with the Emile helmet!!
Thanks a lot! You too! Also what layer height would you recommend?
Thanks a lot! You too! Also what layer height would you recommend?
I use between .12 and .15 for my layer height. The first of which I use for smaller accessory pieces and the second I use for everything else. I used to do .2 but that gave me the extremely obvious layer lines, but a fast print time.
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