Halo Reach CQB

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Dude, your Bondo work is so clean!
This project looks amazing so far, I can't wait to see it finished!

Thanks Shadow! Me too.. lol WHEN it gets done haha. :lol:

RomanW Fantastic work on the helmet dude!!!! What did you use to score the lines?

Thanks Dirt! I marked them with a pencil first, and then I used a small triangle file to follow the lines. I ditched the idea of using my die grinder, even though it gives a more "worn and damaged" look to the lines, it is too hard to control to make steady lines. :(

Question... How do you tag names in messages?
I think to tag names in messages you write out there name and link it to their profile page...that's just an assumption but I'm preeety sure that's right...

And while I'm here I must say that helmet...mm...damn fine work my friend, look forward to future progress!
RomanW to link names, you put an @ symbol in front of the persons name
but if you do that^, it doesn't send a notification to the tagged person. the only way to tag someone is by doing the @ thing.

Detail work. Slowly getting there.







mblackwell1002 Thanks! I've thought about casting, but from what I've seen, I don't think that's a job I really want to do lol!

If someone wanted to take this helmet and cast it, I would be alright with that :p All I would want is my lid back and a casting :lol:
I never imagined someone attempting the CQB helmet and succeeding. Well done. Which game is it for? And also What does CQB stand for?
I never imagined someone attempting the CQB helmet and succeeding. Well done. Which game is it for? And also What does CQB stand for?

The title of the thread, as well as the first post, specifies that this is the Halo Reach CQB, or Close Quarters Battle, helmet.
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