Halo Reach CQB

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I've been looking for an excuse to get into casting. I have plans to build all of Noble team and want to build and cast all of their helmets.. and guns and ammo... (also I'm in Calgary!)
Beauty! Well, if you want to practice, my offer still stands lol! I just have to finish it first...

Getting the back details taken care of..




I've been working on the fine details when I have time, and I like the way it looks, even if there are some imperfect lines :p

There is some clean up to do, and I still have yet to finish that left top nut... I keep forgetting about it.


Hey everyone, sorry it's been taking me so long to finish this helmet... I'm just wondering how many people have used the rondo method on the interior of their helmets before adding the padding, and electronics? I remember seeing Cerealkiller doing it on his stuff, but that was the only place.

I'm also half tempted to run my wiring for the LED's and then rondo overtop of them...

Would love to hear your thoughts!

- Roman
I'm also half tempted to run my wiring for the LED's and then rondo overtop of them...

I'm in the camp of accessible wires for just in case issues and reworks. My usual method is using thin strips of craft foam superglued down as staples to route the wires and keep them in the right position. There's probably a better way but this works for me so far.
I've used Rondo in my helmet. It smooths out all the rough spots, covers up any imperfections, adds mores stability and rigidity to the over integrity of the helmet and yes......more weight. As far as Rondoing over your wiring.......I would advise against it. Remember, the Rondo produces heat....and the wires used are thin gauge as is the sheath......I don't know what the result would be. Also if you had to do some rewiring for whatever reason......it would be impossible.
Sorry I missed your build. I'm tuned in now and it looks like I have some reading to do. :D

Rondo Tip: Rondo runs.. a lot. It is messy. Should be done after fiberglass and before bondo. Otherwise you will risk this stuff getting on your nice bondo'd surface and rondo is as tough as concrete. If you rondo now be very careful.
Maybe even mix a tiny amount and "pretend" to rondo the inside helmet by rondoing the inside of a cup with some holes poked in it.

Wiring Tip: I don't know how many times I've solder a circuit, installed it in my helmet only to find out that something went wrong (despite working perfectly before putting it in). So, I would not rondo over your wires. I use black ducktape over them for a strong hold and a stylish color.

Great work so far!!!
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Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Being a mechanic, I'm fairly experienced with wiring, but it still doesn't hurt to see what other people have experienced, experimented with!

What about 'brushing' the rondo on, instead of the usual 'swishing' I've seen?
What about 'brushing' the rondo on, instead of the usual 'swishing' I've seen?

I brush it on. I mix 50/50 unless I want it runnier or thicker. The problem is that even with plenty of both hardeners it still takes a while to set. In that time it will run. Even if you think it won't, which is why I recommended pretending to do something similar to a helmet shape first like a cup with holes in it.
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