It's so purty....and evil looking at the same time. I love it!
Thanks Rusty!!!!! No more Ninjin Turtle I hope…lol
Great job. How much silicone is it going to take to mold this beast? lol
I have 2.5 Gallon kits of Rebound hanging out at the house for this. Hopefully its enough.
You're work of art is Just to EPIC to put into words.

The only thing I could possibly say is to add a back plate to the mouth before molding. It would have to be cut out later, but it will help on the under cuts in the molding process. And of course the teeth will probably have to be done separably. I can't wait to see how this all comes out. :cool
Now I have a casting question for you. Are you going to do a resin skull with a Latex skin? Or a 2 part cold foam?. What were you thinking on materials for this one?
The mold I’m building will be strictly for Resin and or Urethane flexible rubber pours. Hopefully if everything goes as plan, I can make a flexible casting and tweek it for a latex foam mold. Or maybe make a urethane rubber mold of a complete Resin bust and tun silicone pulls from that. I still have a ton of planning on that side of things, but for now they will be strickly Resin pulls If I can get this mold of f the ground (I’ll show pics of the process). Also, look below for my Idea on how to make the initial mold (I’m a noob at the photobucket editor, sorry). Thanks for the great comments BTW!
Holy cow, Blackula! amazing work!
Thank you kind sir!
That is an awesome sculpt! Eager to see the mold for this one, might have to be done similar to a Predator head mold with the mandibles being seperate?
Thanks Drgnfyre, I appreciate the comments my man, means a lot. I’ve been a fan of your work for quite some time

. About the molding, I honestly thought of doing just that, but decided to go a different route in the end. Please see below on my plan (let me know if you can think of any issues). Thanks again!
Well, guys, this is the plan I’m rolling with, hope it works (fingers crossed).
The white area indicates where I intend to close the mouth off, I will do the same underneath. The red line is where Intend to part this beast both on the silicone and the hard jacket. The jacket might be 4 parts, two for the left and two for the right, to avoid mold lock.
Then, when I make my first resin casting, I will finish the mouth sculpt. I’m thinking the mouth will need to be broken up into 3 individual sculpts for the fleshy inner lining of the mouth area (back of throat, inside cheek areas and flesh surrounding the inner mandibles). I’m planning to do 5 more smaller sculps for the teeth and top teeth which will include the gum line. Hopefully it makes sense. I personally think it will work, but if I’m missing anything, I appreciate any feedback. I’m kind of going down new molding territory here and its difficult to find pictures of something similar being molded.
Anyways, thanks for viewing everyone! I appreciate the interest.