Zack, two things...First off, this is not a recast. It is a cast of the original mold. Recasting is a completely different story, not to mention a big no-no. Secondly, This is not an elite sculpt named Sam, it's a deranged mutant ninja turtle, lol!!!I'm going to apologize in advance in the case that "it" has already been named, but honestly my mind just thought of it so I have to bow down to my intelectual side... (Sorry Guys)
So, when I looked at your completely awesome recast I thought it looked friendly so - the first name that came to my mind was "Sam." Please don't ask me why, because I don't know...
Great Job BlueFreeze!!!
Using “Smooth-On Free Form Epoxy Dough” as a shell/jacket support.
Great work you've got going on here!!
It looks incredible, really interested in the helmet too!
Tony, This piece is completely amazing, and thats going to look great on my wall![]()
Awesome just awesome. And to know this is going on in my own backyard blows my mind.
I can’t believe I’ve missed this thread. This is more than awesome....Its major freaking talent! Great job, bravo, just like the rest I can’t wait for paint and teeth. Hmmm me thinks your Jedi skills need to make a hunter next
First off (to repeat what everyone - myself included - has already said), AMAZINGLY EPIC work!! This is one of the best projects, like ever. But, please, I have questions!!
Wow!! You used that stuff for the shell exclusively!?!? You didn't reinforce it with anything? How does it compare with more traditional shell materials like fiberglass or Plasti-Paste (which appears to be comparable in price)? It looks super easy to use, and appears to be very easy to control, even if the cure time is a bit long. How is it as far as strength goes? I used Magic Sculpt epoxy putty just to try to fill in gaps in a shell once, but it was super brittle, and couldn't withstand the de-molding process. Does it conform to the detail of the silicone pretty well, or are there a lot of pockets underneath? What are those dark gray things sticking up out of it, and what are they for? What's the first cast made of? (If it's not foam, might I suggest foam to keep weight down.) Are you using a plug to make it hollow, or just slush casting? Or, even weirder, is it a solid cast?
Again, fantastic work! Love this thread, and always look forward to seeing more.
I'm so going to try the free form epoxy in the future! Great work Tony, You never fail to impress!
Oh man, this is exciting stuff. Even unpainted it looks awesome, can't wait to see some colour!
This is going to rock.
Awesome Tony, excellent tools have there, what kind of paint you will use acrylic, synthetic or other ...?
Holy Grunt that looks beastly with the teeth in it!!! Excellent job mate!
Tony, I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. This has been a very exciting project to watch, and now that it has come to this point, well....great work so far buddy. The paint should definitely put this on a completely different level. *Watching intently*
As I said on the other page Epic work, I can't wait to see how this all comes out in paint.