1st Build Halo Reach Female build

SO excited to see this come together!! The female thigh struggle is very real. Everything looks great to me! I love seeing the improvement on the cod piece. Sizing is a really hard guessing game but I think it's coming out really close, if not perfect, to the size needed
HEHE bathroom pic moment


CODPEICE IS DONEEEEEEEEEEEEE (or at least being put together, needs a lot of cleanup)
We are printing another helmet but besides for that I have been stuck on freaking out about proportions. I want this girl done though!
Cheers lovelies,
We won't have to print a new helmet after all! Thanks to some help and convincing by Danielle I will be making the back part of my original helmet removeable via magnetics. There was always plenty of space, just couldn't get my head in! That also means I can stop struggling with rescaling my armor and go back to the original blueprint! All this anxiety on fixing proportions is now gone and I can actually relax and enjoy building. I'm stopping everything to make a test of the chest armor while Val is finishing up printing a few extras for my helmet so it can *hopefully* be done in time for my 21st Birthday, all nighters here I come!

Cheers ♡
Small Update: Did not get my helmet done in time for my 21st, but it was a stretch as I encountered issues putting together my first 3d printed helmet. Better to not rush anything either. I have been struggling with proportions once again, but think I found a happy medium and will be putting together a paper test of the chest to make sure it is sized well- will obviously post photos here, then I can really get back to work on actual real foamwork once sizing is out of the way and hopefully get this build done. Id rather make sure the armor is at least decently proportionate before I shed more tears on this thing. I cross my fingers that in 6 months or sooner I can have this finished now that my health has gotten much better.

Progress will probably come to a halt again during the middle of December as the Holidays roll around, and I will be moving to Cullowhee NC in the first week of January, so progress will be a little slow. Cheers to 2022 being more productive!
Been quiet... To quiet.

I MOVED! ... Yay? Its more of a 50/50 to be honest.

I do want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hopefully you're having a good one so far.

This thread is going to be a long one, so hold onto your codpeice.

1. Recap of last year and why I'm unhappy about it
2. Moving situation
3. How I plan to do better with progress
4. New due by date
5. Helmet pictures

1. RECAP - - - - -
As with my current building situation: I started this thread back in June and I'm pretty underwhelmed and dissapointed with the progress I've made. When I started this thread I was in the middle of fighting for my health which came with its own struggles, and over top of that I jumped into the deep end of foamsmithing when I diddnt have to much experience (as in starting out making a codpeice that was overcomplicated and patterned by myself) along with no experience with 3d prints which took up a ton of my time as well. I have been working for what feels like forever on my helmet, and the truth is I had no idea how damaged my helmet got. I assumed I could resculpt the damaged areas in a week or two- it ended up taking two months and my helmet is still not done. Please, if a complex 3d print is damaged and you want to try to fix it, just reprint it. It is not worth your time to try and fix it when you could print another in 6 days, and I wish I knew that at the time.

The lack of progress over that last year makes me very fear on how these next 6 months might be, but I am going to use that fear to my advantage to make sure things get done this time.

2. Moving Situation - - - - -
I did move in with my twin sister in her apartment less than a week ago, it has been a huge challenge to figure out how I am going to continue working on this project- to be honest I was frightened and still am a little about how I will be able to even work. My sister lives in an apartment complex that has rules against noise, so I am trying to figure out how to deal with my fume box vent as it is pretty loud and I don't want the neighbors or my roommates to be disturbed while I work. I am also concerned about the limited space I have, but I will do my best to make it work. If anyone has any tips on how to work safely and productively in a small room, I am all ears.

3. How I plan to do better - - - - -
This year I want to do better with my progress, even though I was struggling with health issues I assumed I would of gotten a lot more done. Not all of those 6 months were useless though, I learned a LOT over those times of failure that will better my foamsmithing and 3d print prepping skills.
One of the biggest things that held me back besides for health was OCD. I have this expectation to make my armor perfect, and that is just not possible. I used to think everything had to be flawless to make T3, but recently I've looked over several T3 suits and regardless of how fantastic they look, there are still flaws. Im not saying people are bad because there are visible flaws, its not, its just something I couldn't understand until now. I also need to accept that I will need to use foam clay, I see some people who don't use any and their armor turns out fantastic, but I realized like with my other artistic projects that I tend to adjust things along the way, and that sometimes means resculpting little areas or fixing a seam that im not happy with. Most of all though, I need to accept that my build won't be perfect and that it's ok.

4. New Completion Goal - - - - -
My new completion goal will be be Dragoncon 2022, and I am setting my start time for progress RIGHT NOW. I might of started this thread six months ago, but I am starting fresh and new for this project.

5. Helmet - - - - -
Helmet wooooh... Still doing a few more touch ups while I'm waiting for the visor and the airbrush that was lost in the mail.



Cheers to a productive year ♡
oh girl, dont feel bad about your timeline. i started mine in 2017 and have been actively working on it for about 2 years, ill never know how people can get a suit of armor done in 6 months but id expect they probably already have experience building armor suits. trial an error and fixing and all that just takes awhile but once you've figure it out you'll see serious progress.
I also have problems with accepting flaws, i think the best way ive dealt with that is if its not terrible but not perfect like you want, leave it for awhile, build something else and come back to it, see it with fresh eyes. it might not be as bad as you thought. or if it'll bug you forever rebuild it with all the new knowledge you gained since.
oh girl, dont feel bad about your timeline. i started mine in 2017 and have been actively working on it for about 2 years, ill never know how people can get a suit of armor done in 6 months but id expect they probably already have experience building armor suits. trial an error and fixing and all that just takes awhile but once you've figure it out you'll see serious progress.
I also have problems with accepting flaws, i think the best way ive dealt with that is if its not terrible but not perfect like you want, leave it for awhile, build something else and come back to it, see it with fresh eyes. it might not be as bad as you thought. or if it'll bug you forever rebuild it with all the new knowledge you gained since.
all this yo, nearly everyone's got atleast 1 build lying around that's lasted over a year or 2
oh girl, dont feel bad about your timeline. i started mine in 2017 and have been actively working on it for about 2 years, ill never know how people can get a suit of armor done in 6 months but id expect they probably already have experience building armor suits. trial an error and fixing and all that just takes awhile but once you've figure it out you'll see serious progress.
I also have problems with accepting flaws, i think the best way ive dealt with that is if its not terrible but not perfect like you want, leave it for awhile, build something else and come back to it, see it with fresh eyes. it might not be as bad as you thought. or if it'll bug you forever rebuild it with all the new knowledge you gained since.
I know I shouldn't feel bad about my lack of progress, but im just so excited to get some armor done so I can go places and meet you lovely people. Meeting folks will be much easier if I have an excuse wearing armor, im a pretty nervous and awkward person so it would be a good fallback if I get stressed.. Its a goal I've had for over a decade now and every day im growing older.

I think my main fear is that it will take forever to get done, im not sure why that bothers me but it does.
Nice work so far! Looking forward to seeing it all finished up.

My timeline poster would just be a blank sheet of paper! I moved back in June and other than picking up my stuff and moving from one spot in the garage to the other, I haven't really touched the project! I was hoping to have it done by the release of HALO Infinite....but that didn't happen!
Nice work so far! Looking forward to seeing it all finished up.

My timeline poster would just be a blank sheet of paper! I moved back in June and other than picking up my stuff and moving from one spot in the garage to the other, I haven't really touched the project! I was hoping to have it done by the release of HALO Infinite....but that didn't happen!
Join the "finally building armor" gang!

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