1st Build Halo Reach Female build

I did something similar for my suit, but instead went to Tractor Supply Co. and bought horse-mat
The thick sturdy rubber you put on the bottom of stalls.

Attached it with a liberal amount of shoe goo and prayer, and it is still holding strong. I don't remember the price, but I'm sure it wasn't $50, and the mat was huge.
Update time!

I made one boot, and somehow that took me 15 days.

Acrylic to fix leakseal issues

Sometimes you have to trust the process and keep going... The final result might surprise you. :)

Scale check! (Paper chest and belt are 2 years old and will be redone.)

Thats all for now, bicep coming up next!
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It looks great!
Scale check! (Paper chest and belt are 2 years old and will be redone.)
Also your 2 year old paper chest and belt look 10x better than my best attempts at foam
Thank you everyone! :love:

Also your 2 year old paper chest and belt look 10x better than my best attempts at foam
Oh man, those were the days I'd spend two months redoing one part... Now I just slather foam clay on the flaws and pray to the foam Gods it will turn out okay, so far it seems to be working. Thank you for the complements!
Hello, my lovely 405thers. I am desperately reaching out here after fiddling with a pattern for two weeks.
This is confusing, but bear with me.

Last October I made a thigh that fits to me perfectly, but I lost the templates and file. I spent a few days adjusting the size to find the circumference of the bottom of the thigh, and I eventually figured it out.

However, when I cut out a sample of the thigh and convert it to foam, I get a discrepancy of 2-3cm:

Not a big deal for some of you, but it adds up when you're my size.

Okay, no matter. I printed out some samples to put together, but once again, 6 mm and 8 mm foam curved "lengthens" the overall diameter of the foam when curved and enclosed. No matter what I did, even if I added bevels or separated the parts, there was still a huge discrepancy.


Armorsmith file with an accurate scan_____________Test build that devours my leg..............Discrepancy


The 13.5cm measurement on my test thigh measures 15cm across, and the 17.6cm measurement on my test thigh measures over 19cm. Once again, not a huge deal, but those are a simple length versus width measurement, not the entire inside area of the thigh.

The thighs height does not change because there is no extreme vertical curving.

This is where I come to you, desperate and tired, 405th. What would you do in this situation? The thighs are the only part of the Reach Spartan that is fully curved (with the biceps being somewhat curved) so I will not have this issue with any other part due to its blocky geometry. I do not want to cut the inside of the gasket to fix the problem because then the thigh will be heavily lop-sided, and I don't want to cut the front or back as it will have an unhideable seam. I also don't want to pad them as they are going to look far bigger and ill-fitted than the rest of my armor due to the errors. I also can't make a custom pattern with my original thigh, because the extra length issue will persist (tested). At this time, I cannot wait to make my thighs last as my chest and other armor parts are scaled off of them. I am not trying to be nitpicky here, I just want things to be true-to-scale out of Armorsmith.

I have already tried printing out several copies of the thighs, gradually getting smaller to test if I can find the right size with the foam discrepancy, but it is very time-consuming and full of error. Does anyone know a ratio or formula I could follow to estimate how much smaller I need to make the pattern to account for the extra length when the foam is curved?

Thank you as always,

That’s quite the conundrum.

I have an initial thought.

The first is around your printer drivers. I’m wondering if Armorsmith is exporting the templates for a printer that can print from edge to edge on the paper, while your printer driver may be configured to print with margins and will be scaling the content as such.

Are you seaming two pages together for the thighs? If you are, then I can print your template out on my 24 or 36 inch plotter and see if that changes anything.
That’s quite the conundrum.

I have an initial thought.

The first is around your printer drivers. I’m wondering if Armorsmith is exporting the templates for a printer that can print from edge to edge on the paper, while your printer driver may be configured to print with margins and will be scaling the content as such.

Are you seaming two pages together for the thighs? If you are, then I can print your template out on my 24 or 36 inch plotter and see if that changes anything.
Thank you for the response!
From day one I have always measured my templates that are printed off Pepakura. I usually grab a long, flat measurement from the unfold on pepakura and measure the same area on the print once it is taped together. I also can print a template that is quite a bit shorter in length and depth and get a similar size to what I am looking for when transfered to foam. I do not believe the template is the issue. However, I think I just answered my own question now that I have a clear head; manually shrink the length and width of the pattern until I find something I am happy with when transfered to foam. Oh, what fun! :lol:

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