I would REALLY like to know how you made the visor for that helmet!
Wow that casting turned out looking great.
Check out post#45. I made a vac table and formed it. Ben Streeper has a good tut on how he did his ODST visor. It basically the same idea. I used the night shade on it to tint it. Also, there are some real good videos on youtube that show the process.
Be good,
As with everything you do, this is fantastic work. I'm not really sure how I missed it until now. It is always great to see how two great builders can get together and create pure brilliance. Keep up the awesome work man.
I want to create something like this. I am new to the forums and admittedly need tons of help. I have watched the video that is linked to this post multiple times, so i want to keep my costs for making my armor below about $200-$350. I know there;s a ton of ways to create armor, so i was wondering what the best and cheapest method was, because i would very much like to have a suit just like the one in the video linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1WK26NHx0o I'm about 5'9, 195 lbs and i want to create this armor by myself. I want to create the Recon helmet from Reach as well. Can anyone help me?
Oh! Thats the same person I learned to do my ODST visors from. What type plastic and how thick is it?
ooooh......wow. Shoulders looks great. Another awesome part.
And yet even more awesomeness. Thanks for sharing.
:eek Possibly a new way to make visors?
It looks great, send me that visor buck and I'll get it smooth
design master brilliant gold 731?