Halo Reach Jetpack

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this is how fare i goten. Its alot more biger then it looks, idk if u can tell or not im holding it on with my hands. IDK how to make a strip to hold it on. im leave the 4 peaces on the top open tell i get the LEDs.

(P.S. i have the halo RPG file and idk how to unfoild it, if there someone that can PM me.)
oh, put a frosted paper before the vents, that will make the lightflow way more cooler and it won't look like it came from one spot


just done making and adding the shield. i start it around 1 AM and finshed at 4 AM. it toke along time :| time to start the other one :(
guys i need help. idk how to make it so it can stay on my back. can any one help me out? oh and the resin creap and easy to easy to use?
Well, I hope you got it properly sized to the chestplate that you plan on wearing it with. That is why I made a tester file of this jetpack so that someone didn't take the time to build the HD model only to end up with it not fitting. :p
guys i need help. idk how to make it so it can stay on my back. can any one help me out? oh and the resin creap and easy to easy to use?

Are you going to harden it? If so i would reccomend waiting til the end then using straps. And if your not how much does the jetpack weight?
Are you going to harden it? If so i would reccomend waiting til the end then using straps. And if your not how much does the jetpack weight?

its like 2-5 pounds. and idk how to put the straps one, @HaloGoddess. what HD jetpack?? i didnt see one
just get the backpack adjustable straps off and hot glue them or something. but dont listen to me until youve done some tests on attaching it. i recomend getiing a backpack, making it weigh 2-5 pounds, and testing with that before you go and do it to your jp. we dont want all your hard time, effort and overall dignity to go spiraling down to earth like me on spire when i forgot my jet pack.
its like 2-5 pounds. and idk how to put the straps one, @HaloGoddess. what HD jetpack?? i didnt see one

Well if your not going to harden it I would reccomend just cutting some paper and glueing them together so there like backpack straps and then glue them to where you want to put them on the back. (Like where it seems to attatch to armor)
I personally would go with a backpack method, or you could try to make a backpack fanny pack super deluxe combo harness :p Whatever you do, it looks fantastic!
AS FOR RESIN- not cheap, not easy I'm sorry to say. It's sticky, smelly, kinda pricey, and you REALLY REALLY should wear an organic vapor filter.
Great work! Keep it up!

Oh, and by the way, I LOLd so hard when I saw tab numbers in the 2000's, way to hustle man! You're a more patient being than myself xD
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