Kitsune Kon happened from July, 14th, 2018- July, 16th, 2018. And I got myself into some photo shoots with other cosplayers.
Needless to say, it was very fun time......very sweaty though. I needed to take break after a flight of stairs. So Punched some hole in the helmet, to help with airflow. And here's a funny story: I signed myself up for the Cosplay Contest, but because I arrived around 5:30pm, it was too late to be judged, so I was a exhibition, basically a person with the title "You didn't make the cut to be judged, but you can still sign-up for show and not competition." 5 minutes before I get up on stage, this piece in the center of my torso snaps in half.
I mean, it was horrible, it was sticking out like a sore thumb, but luckily, my fore arms were large enough to conceal the piece and I managed to glue it on with some Cement glue. Why this happened was because of this.
Because the two straps where connected to the center piece, and the torso, it was pulling the little piece in half. And it didn't make it any better when the gluing substance I used was HOT-GLUE, not CEMENT GLUE. But I learned my lesson and will only use the stronger substance.