ImaGonnaGetYou said:
Looks way too much like the ODST opening cinematic, which leads me to believe that this will still be the same old 30 FPS Halo 3 engine.
Did you even watch the video? I can count off the top of my head a CRAPLOAD of graphical effects that aren't in H3.
First of all, there's adaptive lensflare. Usually in a game there's only one source of this, but there are many in this cutscene.
The terrain is MUCH more complex than in Halo 3. Probably double the amount of detail in the geometry, not to mention all the vegetation.
There seemed to be subsurface scattering (the passage of light through translucent material like skin), and if not, there's some DAMN good texture work.
The clouds look better than any other clouds in any other game in that they actually REACT to light.
The reflections (while cubemapped and not real it looks like) STILL have a lot of improvement, they just follow the contours of the visor so much better.
Also, the glass on the visor looks amazing. I mean, light seems to pass through it and dull it's color. It just ads a feeling of depth that is unachievable otherwise. The Halo 3 beta had something like this, but it was lost. I'm glad it's back.
In other words; when comparing graphics, KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR.