Halo Solo Piano Sheet Music Collection


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello folks! I found this project and I wanted to share it with all of you.

A user by the name of Jafet Meza on YouTube has been leading the distribution and preservation of fan-made solo piano sheet music of Halo scores!!
The project lead is Mart Van Gorkom, with arrangement and transcription by Mart Van Gorkom & Jaap Eilander.

If you're a pianist and have been looking for some sheet music to learn how to play some halo music, definitely check out the FREE sheet music collections HERE!

Note that not all of the music is an totally optimal solo-pianist transcription of the music. The main themes in the Combat evolved book, for example, have a bit to be desired with the bass melodies. While this may be more accurate to what the piano part is in the recording, playing it solo might require a bit of creative additions from the player to get a fuller sound.

Overall, this will give you a great understanding of how to play the melodies of your favourite songs, and is an incredibly valuable resource for anyone looking to dabble in playing some Halo music. The sheer amount of sheet music that is available here is absolutely astounding, and the fact that this is all fan-made is even more impressive. A collection of sheet music like this could easily cost hundreds of dollars, so the fact that it is available for free is absolutely astounding.

The drive linked above is a link directly from the description of their most recent YouTube video which presents the Halo 3: ODST soundtrack sheet music. All credits are included within the PDF booklets. Below is a preview of one of the songs from the CE book.


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