halo warthog build (power wheels)

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I have a steel one also. I could hit with a mini sledge. I don't know how you would rate it though.

do this with a helmet you don't mind testing.

step 1: find a local gun club

step 2: find shooting range

step 3: start from the smalls caliber round and work your way up( before you move up to the next caliber you should check the helmet to see if it went through or it stopped the bullet.)

step 4: post results.
Still havent gotten to the warthog but i needed to fix up a quick chest plate for my H2 odst armor. I also made a one piece active shield. i will get back on the warthog soon.
also i weighed the odst h2 helmet complete. it is a little less than 5lbs


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That thing looks SO cool! I would totally drive that around, and I am pretty small. I think I could fit. :p However, I really want to have one built for myself. Especially NOW that I have a son. He isn't even 1 yet (july 15th), but I think once he gets older he would like something like that. XD

I already thought a golf cart would be good to use and I was thinking just use the existing motor, but I'm guessing that because you made it out of metal you had to alter the motor due to the weight? :confused I don't think I would use metal since I have NO way of having the welding work done. I can't do it myself and don't even know anyone that could do it. I've thought of other materials to try using. :p
King.... I will be painting the whole thing when its finished. I'm cutting it again to do some mods. You will see I promise. Goddess.... The motor was bad it was a 1973 club car. The metal is half the weight from he fiberglass body. This is my mock up for the real deal:D my daughter is just at the right place at the right time. Looking forward to seeing your armor on fb also
Re: Mystic Makings Mini Warthog Build aka the Piglet

YES! Ready for nightfall.

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