YAY! More updates! haha
Well since the handplate I have moved on to making the shin. The shin is more of a female version and I had to unfold this myself as well. I used the HD shins unfolded by crackhead as a reference to unfold this particular shin piece. I DO NOT like the piece at the top middle.......ya know, that piece that kinda goes over the knee. It looks too narrow to me so I might take that piece from the other HD shin and put it there.
So far I am pretty close to having a right leg fully complete!
I also managed to make the right boot. BUT......if you look carefully, you will notice a little something out of place........another addition! At the bottom of the heel part, I added an inch and that is because of the shoes that I will be wearing. I had to alter the heel piece just a bit to fully cover my shoe.
Now just look carefully and I think you will figure out what added piece I am talking about:
Here is a good front view. I don't like that piece that covers the knee. Doesn't it look too narrow??
And just to show the kind of movement that I will have while wearing this:
And a better look at the kind of shoes that I will be wearing:
Now, because of that addition on the heel, I had to think of something so that it looks like it belongs and the idea I came up with, seems to have a very good "female spartan" feel to it! I like it! hehe
This is just a quick little color scheme I did in photoshop. These ARE the colors I plan on using:
Now just imagine my ENTIRE armor being yellow! LOL I will SO stand out! LMAO I'm just going to make sure I don't make it too bright! XD