riderkid98 said:hi, i have an odd question, I plan to make my ODST armor out of BMX and a helmit kit if i find one, but where can i purchase a silenced SMG kit?
Hamstar said:My wife wants me to make armor for Halloween, and I’ve never done this before.
I’ve already looked over the noob places here on the site and I think that cutting the parts out of polystyrene and then coating them in Easyflo 120 will be the quick solution to a quick/cheap costume and then later I can start making her a decent one with casting.
I’ve already started sketching out the parts.
And I’m cutting out to size panels in… well, folders
Time is short, money is tight, fun to be had.
So my main question(s) besides everything…
Anyone know where a good place is to get cheap polystyrene boards in St. Paul MN?
Anyone know how to make a homemade hot cutting knife for said boards (I’m pretty sure I can whip one up if not)
Anyone know where I can buy Easyflo 120 in the St. Paul area?
xXSTICKXx said:lightzz. this is the little i know of making armorwell your suppost to resin the outside. maybe 1nce or 2ce. its a bit sturdier but notmuch. then you fiberglass the inside. the cloth or mat. i prefer the cloth but thats just me.
so if wut i read is true then your not doing anyhting wrong you ust have to fiberglass the inside of the helmm too, hope this helps.
Upchuk said:Hello, im trying to make an ODST helmet. i downloaded the newest version of Pepakura designer, but it doesnt seem to have the "scale by factor" option. when i did the calculations and entered it into the "scaling" area, it said the model would be like 20mm wide. Is there something im missing? do i need an earlier version of pepakura?