Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Heya! Trying to use the link for the deployment tier application but the link isn't working. Please assist!


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I was wondering how I get my member DIN displayed on my profile? Im a deployed member and I never really got an official deployment certificate either. FANGS deployed me a while back as DIN S240 but my deployment app the suit was missing the boots and gloves (which were completed not long after that discussion). But i was still deployed under this agreement. This was all years ago, I guess Im just now realizing the DIN's being displayed.
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The displayed DIN was only recently implemented and it must be manually entered, it's not an automatic process, which means that Angela has to go through the list of Deployed members one by one and populate the DIN field for the member. The Deployment Certificate is also a recent addition and was not available back in 2017 when you applied and there was some confusion between the previous Division Membership Officer and the rest of Division Staff as to the status of your Deployment. We'll get it sorted.
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The displayed DIN was only recently implemented and it must be manually entered, it's not an automatic process, which means that Angela has to go through the list of Deployed members one by one and populate the DIN field for the member. The Deployment Certificate is also a recent addition and was not available back in 2017 when you applied and there was some confusion between the previous Division Membership Officer and the rest of Division Staff as to the status of your Deployment. We'll get it sorted.
Alright thanks and maybe I dropped the ball and didn’t follow up with the completed pieces? But makes sense that I’ve only recently noticed these things then.
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Both me and my wife signed up on the same pc or the 405th and mine was accepted but hers was not. who do i contact about fixing this?
It was most likely automating flagged by the Anti-Spam since both accounts came from the same IP address.

Let us know what Username your wife registered with and FANGS can get it cleared up.
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Hello Mwares1 - please DM me with your wife's forum name and we'll get this sorted out. It will most definitely be because you registered first and then her registration from the same IP tripped the system.
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So I use the 405th app and for whatever reason I can't get the orientation to lock?

I have my phone set to not allow orientation rotation, and have literally never had an issue with it - but for some reason the 405th app just completely ignored my phones presets and auto rotates.

Is there any way to fix this in the settings? Or possibly something you can add or change to fix it down the line? I would be very much so interested in that.
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When logged in on the mobile website I am receiving a lot of ads making the site somewhat unusable on mobile..
Phone: samsung s23 Ultra.
Tried clearing app cache, restarting phone, logging out(clearing cache again) and logging back in.
Using Chrome application
Verizon network phone but issue occurs even on wifi and data.
He4thbar doesn't seem to be having this issue on his pixel 6 when I checked with him.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
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When logged in on the mobile website I am receiving a lot of ads making the site somewhat unusable on mobile..
Phone: samsung s23 Ultra.
Tried clearing app cache, restarting phone, logging out(clearing cache again) and logging back in.
Using Chrome application
Verizon network phone but issue occurs even on wifi and data.
He4thbar doesn't seem to be having this issue on his pixel 6 when I checked with him.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
Following this up, I just tested on my phone and when I logged in with SluggZila account I received all the ads. So this is most likely an account issue. Thanks
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Following this up, I just tested on my phone and when I logged in with SluggZila account I received all the ads. So this is most likely an account issue. Thanks
Yes, reaching 50 posts with 90 days allows you to join a Regiment. Once you receive the regiment tag the ads will go away. All new users see the site as SluggZila does
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I am having a site issue. It seems there is something wrong with looking up a member's post history.

"Oops we ran into a problem"

If you click on a members message count number on their profile page and if you click Find, all posts by member.
This is a very important issue to fix, as a staff member I use this tool all of the time to check on my prospective member's interactions.
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Hello ! New member here. I seem to be having an issue with my conversations where I cannot post an new reply. An error pop-up appears stating that my content is 'spam-relate' or 'contains inappropriate content'. However, I'm simply trying to sort something out with a moderator. My email is verified.


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I think its just because of the merged accounts. I would guess you can start a new DM and everything will work fine.
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