Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
Thank you Masterchief0624 and FANGS I actually needed both of your wonderful advices. :) I was clicking on "more reply options." But it needed to be while editing the original post like Fangs said. Success!
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Me again, I have experienced an issue twice now and was wondering if anyone else has too. While private messaging other members I have received a message from them that only contains a quote of my last message. Both times the sender has claimed that they wrote something, but I don't see it. It could be something associated with my profile, or how they are sending the message, or perhaps a bug within the site. Any ideas?
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Weirdness. I wouldn't even tknow where to start looking in to that. Is the sender the same in both situations?
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Weirdness. I wouldn't even tknow where to start looking in to that. Is the sender the same in both situations?
No, different senders different days, but both within the last three days. I just thought I'd ask in case others were experiencing it. No worries.
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I know that sometimes it's super easy to type the response in the middle of the quote. Did you read through the quote itself to make sure it wasn't more than what your original message had been?
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I know that sometimes it's super easy to type the response in the middle of the quote. Did you read through the quote itself to make sure it wasn't more than what your original message had been?
Yes, it only contained my words. It could also be a device problem and not the site itself. I know that when I am on my phone it can be very tricky to send messages on places like a forum or facebook... like letting me type, but never showing me the words. Not sure as it was not me that typed the missing messages, but I did think it was peculiar when it happened to two different senders.
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I am not receiving notifications to threads I am subscribed to, and I have notifications configured for instant. This was working last week, but starting sometime this week I will see new posts added to threads I'm subscribed to but didn't receive any notifications that the threads had received new posts. Sort've defeats the purpose of subscribing to a thread....
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Oddness. Thanks for letting us know! I'll talk to Art about getting that fixed up.
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hello, I am have a really hard time navigating this site. first I cant seem to create new threads. this is my first day here and I've been looking literally hours and still have no idea if I can even post at all. second I cant find any thing that can help me down load Pepakura. is there a link here to help me with this?
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hello, I am have a really hard time navigating this site. first I cant seem to create new threads. this is my first day here and I've been looking literally hours and still have no idea if I can even post at all. second I cant find any thing that can help me down load Pepakura. is there a link here to help me with this?

As a New Member you can only create new threads in the "New Recruit" section: http://www.405th.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21 but you can reply to threads in most Forums, except for Regiments which are limited to Regimental Members.
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So it looks like I can only post new threads in new recruits, I've been a member since 2014 is there any way this can be fixed?

Working as intended, I'm afraid. You'll remain a New Recruit until you've a consecutive ninety days AND fifty posts on the site - once you've fulfilled both of these requirements you'll automatically be promoted into the 'Full Members' group, which will allow you expanded access to the forum and File Archive.
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Working as intended, I'm afraid. You'll remain a New Recruit until you've a consecutive ninety days AND fifty posts on the site - once you've fulfilled both of these requirements you'll automatically be promoted into the 'Full Members' group, which will allow you expanded access to the forum and File Archive.
fun times, 47 more posts coming up then.
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I've recently made a new account, as this one has been riddles with my younger self being obsessed with memes.. I'd like to not be linked to that anymore :p

But I can't edit my own profile, or post in the recruit section. I've created the account more than 15 hours ago I think. Is this standard? I'm talking about the account named "RedGhost", which has the same profile picture as my old account.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: If it's possible to flush all the old content from my old profile and change the username, that'd even be better! ^.^
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I've recently made a new account, as this one has been riddles with my younger self being obsessed with memes.. I'd like to not be linked to that anymore :p

But I can't edit my own profile, or post in the recruit section. I've created the account more than 15 hours ago I think. Is this standard? I'm talking about the account named "RedGhost", which has the same profile picture as my old account.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: If it's possible to flush all the old content from my old profile and change the username, that'd even be better! ^.^

It's entirely possible to have your username altered - many of the forum's users have done so, myself included. As for content purging, I'm not so sure, but it's generally more favourable to remain on one account unless there's a technical reason preventing you from accessing said account. Since you don't have many posts on this account, it might be worth instead going back yourself and editing your old content to simply 'BLANK' or something similar. You can view your own posts from your profile and access them in that manner, shouldn't take more than half an hour to go back and clear away your shame :p

But, to sum up: keep this account, remove the old content yourself, and PM a Staff member to get a handle change. Far more efficient, and it'll save on having an un-used profile on the forums.
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