Having a problem with the site? POST HERE!

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This thread is for site issues and technical problems. While you can certainly create a new thread for an issue, if you post here, it is more likely to get reviewed in a timely manner.
It's entirely possible to have your username altered - many of the forum's users have done so, myself included. As for content purging, I'm not so sure, but it's generally more favourable to remain on one account unless there's a technical reason preventing you from accessing said account. Since you don't have many posts on this account, it might be worth instead going back yourself and editing your old content to simply 'BLANK' or something similar. You can view your own posts from your profile and access them in that manner, shouldn't take more than half an hour to go back and clear away your shame :p

But, to sum up: keep this account, remove the old content yourself, and PM a Staff member to get a handle change. Far more efficient, and it'll save on having an un-used profile on the forums.

Thanks! I'll do that right away :)
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Im using the proper way iv always uploaded pictures but its not showing them and says invalid like. When i edit then save it shows then but after clicking another form and going back the problem still occurs Help?
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Im using the proper way iv always uploaded pictures but its not showing them and says invalid like. When i edit then save it shows then but after clicking another form and going back the problem still occurs Help?

You're using the Attachment manager accessible from the 'More Reply Options' function, right? Try uploading an image here to this thread using that, if it still doesn't work I'll try to diagnose for you.
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You're using the Attachment manager accessible from the 'More Reply Options' function, right? Try uploading an image here to this thread using that, if it still doesn't work I'll try to diagnose for you.

I was clicking the insert image but i went ahead and used attachment manager and insert image and it fixed. I think the problem was that mid post i had a msg to re-log and just copied and paste all my stuff back using the auto save it had. But i re did all of my images it it worked thank you!
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I was clicking the insert image but i went ahead and used attachment manager and insert image and it fixed. I think the problem was that mid post i had a msg to re-log and just copied and paste all my stuff back using the auto save it had. But i re did all of my images it it worked thank you!

Glad to hear it.
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It was my understanding that to "mention" someone in a post, all you had to do was place the @ symbol before their username, however it doesn't seem to be working. Have mentions changed or been done away with recently?
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tomboy ... I just wanted to test it. I know that usually the hardest part is spelling the person's name right, and getting the spaces or underscores. Especially the spaces.
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As far as I've seen, we are unable to change our usernames ourselves. I was hoping to request a username change. I'd rather not make a new account as I figure you guys don't want 2 accounts for 1 person.

Current Username: Chaosdynasty
Requested Username: Sentri
Reason: I wish for my username here to be the same as my cosplay/DJ/photographer name.
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hello, im having trouble viewing the downloads, when I extract the files they do not open. do I need to download some specific software/viewer?


I'm guessing you're talking about .pdo files? You need to download and install Pepakura Designer in order to view, edit, and print those. You can find that here.
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Yeh just found it sorry sound like a right noob this is all new to me I do more precision engineering/metal work but hopefully can build a nice collection of cooler stuff!! thank you
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I don't know if it is just me, but I didn't change anything and my access to the site has.

Normally I am logged in all the time, on my phone, on my PC at home and on my PC at work. For the last year I have rarely had to actually log in. Last week when I went to the site on my phone, it usually goes straight to the "full site", this time it went to the mobile version and I was not logged in. Ever since that time all of my other devices won't stay logged in. On my phone and on my two computers I have to type in my password every single time, same phone same computers same browsers and everything. What's weirder is that once I do type in my info and click login in, it redirects me to the home page and still shows me as logged out, but once I click any link (like "HOME" or "Subscribed Threads") It will go to that page and acknowledge that I am logged in.

I know this is a very specific problem and there may be no fix. It is really inconvenient to log in every time, but it won't keep me away! Thanks for everything!
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I don't know if it is just me, but I didn't change anything and my access to the site has.

Normally I am logged in all the time, on my phone, on my PC at home and on my PC at work. For the last year I have rarely had to actually log in. Last week when I went to the site on my phone, it usually goes straight to the "full site", this time it went to the mobile version and I was not logged in. Ever since that time all of my other devices won't stay logged in. On my phone and on my two computers I have to type in my password every single time, same phone same computers same browsers and everything. What's weirder is that once I do type in my info and click login in, it redirects me to the home page and still shows me as logged out, but once I click any link (like "HOME" or "Subscribed Threads") It will go to that page and acknowledge that I am logged in.

I know this is a very specific problem and there may be no fix. It is really inconvenient to log in every time, but it won't keep me away! Thanks for everything!

It is not just you, we have gotten several reports from other members who are experiencing the same issue.
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It is not just you, we have gotten several reports from other members who are experiencing the same issue.

I did figure out a work around. Instead of typing in my log in info, I just click a link (like Subscribed Threads) and it then acknowledges that I'm still logged in, showing me notifications and everything.
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More or less happy to read this. I've commented on this issue somewhere else a couple of days ago, ignorant of this thread which is of course the more appropriate one to do such things.

I've been having this problem for .... weeks now already. Both on OSX and Windows machines, on every browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge, Safari).
My work around is that after the login/password and getting a "wecome back", only to see a "not logged in status", I press the "help" thingy at the right upperhand corner, and voila, I'm logged in.
Clearing cookies/resettings browsers and what have you not didn't help, or only helped one or two times.
Took me some time to figure that one out though. :)

But I suspect the problem pops up when you don't leave the site "as supposed to do", ie, not using "logout". Cause once logged in, if I "correctly" use the "logout" button, a new attempt to login seems to work flawlessly every time.
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