Hayabusa Chest

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Sorry to double post, but does anyone who's downloaded the pep file have any ideas on how I should tackle this neck piece?

EDIT: Had to sort out all those typos!
Hey...I see you do have some modeling skills!! I know you are asking about the neck piece and yet I am still unshure...I was gonna say have it attached to the front part of the chest but that would still be kind awkward. So as to that maybe you should just keep it a seperate piece to add on later?

Also as for a lower poly of the helmet, its been done and the person who has it is Shirokage. He actually has done 3 of the helmets but it doesnt' seem he will be releasing it as well. He comes to the boards now and then but does not post anything because I guess he has been swarmed PM's about the helmet. Oh well!! Other than that it is looking great and its nice to know that another modeler has joined up on the forums as well...I would say that there are 5 that I know now!

BTW, I have made a Autobot version of the police logo when the movie came out. Just noticed your thats why! LOL

First off, I love your CQB helmet! I think you did a superb job. ;)

Thanks for the comments, I appreciate it.

It's a shame about the helmet. Still, it'll get done at some point no doubt. If not by me then by another member here. It's one of the last things to do right?

An Autobot version. NICE! I am addicted to that movie at the moment. My avatar usually reflects what I'm hooked on at any one time. LOL!
The chest looks like its off to a good start, Just something I've noticed though, Hayabusa chest armour clips badly in-game with the helmets, you may want to think about that when designing the file, It may need some modifications to make it "real" otherwise people might not be able to move their heads when wearing it :p
Skup, or Skip. I just recently ran across your camaro. I think I've dl'd just about everything you've put out there. Haven't built any of it yet but I have it on my list. You do nice work! Good job on this chest also. Can't wait to see it done so it can be added to my ever growing list of builds.
Spartan 051 said:
that would be sweet if you sent the model to FS she if he can add it to his HD chest

I've actually had trouble contacting him lately, it'd be nice to adapt all the perms into files which allow you to scale the perm to the chest.. but he hasn't been on.
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i just wana say you may even be god.
bin trying to make the hayabusa armor for AGES. but never got it right cause wel. i just aint that good at 3d modeling yet.
but if you finish this i would definitely be 1 of the first to try and build it.
NZ-TK said:
The chest looks like its off to a good start, Just something I've noticed though, Hayabusa chest armour clips badly in-game with the helmets, you may want to think about that when designing the file, It may need some modifications to make it "real" otherwise people might not be able to move their heads when wearing it :p

Thanks very much guys! :D Yeah NZ, I don't know about the chest itself ingame but I could tell from the reference pics that the main problem(I think) is this neck piece I've been talking about. That round collar that I've yet to do. I'm thinking of giving it a sloping top, so that it won't be too restrictive, the wearer should be able to look around and down that way?

tlither, My username is Skupilkinson, but everyone who knows me calls me Skip. ;) Really? You've DL'd mymodels? That's cool.

typeZERO, Oh I'm no god. There are far more skilled people here than me. I'm glad you like it buddy. :)
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well for the collar i think it should just rest on top of the shoulders. and if you need someone to unfold it i would be happy to.
Have you modelled before? If you haven't then it would be REALLY daunting.

gonna start now.. I have this easy to use 3D software... gota practice on that firs then, but atm, I ahve my pep armor to worry about :D

Cool, smilie put it in the pep vier now? it looks awsome, I spot more details there ;)
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Hey, I just noticed I have a 5 star on this thread now?! WOW! Thanks.

I must be doing something right? I've started the collar. It's just going to sit over the neck inbetween the shoulder armor. To try and do it another way would make problems for everyone I think because it would fit people differently or just not at all!

Centerside, yep! There are some more details in there now. Still trying to keep it light though for now, see how it builds and whatnot.

I'll have a pic soon of the collar in place. ;)

EDIT: Didn't want to double post.

I've done the collar now. In these pics, the rim is set too high and isn't sloped enough. I've fixed that since taking these screen grabs.

The collar just sets down inbetween the shoulder armor of the chest piece as I mentioned earlier. I'm not sure about securing it though when it's built. I guess that could be down to the individual?


Skupilkinson said:
typeZERO, Oh I'm no god. There are far more skilled people here than me. I'm glad you like it buddy. :)

hahaha it was more of a figure of speetch.
but if you finish this i finally i got my online version in real life
scouts shoulders ODST helmet with the hayabusa chest piece preciesly like i want it ;) :lol:
but im gone start modeling soon seeing what i can d to make stuff :p

yeah there maybe a problem with putting it on cause of the collar.
maybe a system where it the collar is a loose piece so it can be done around the neck before you put on the armor.
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Hang on?! You sayin' I aint a god?! :mad:

Kiddin'. ;) I'm getting closer now. I have to say it wasn't anywhere near as tricky as I first feared. I enjoyed it, different to what I normally do.
Yeah, It's the most simple object to model yet it's a problem. I think it'll be big enouth to put over the head after putting the armor on, then your helmet. Though I can't say for sure yet. It could be done in two halves? front and then back with some sort of clip to lock it together or something? That's an area that I don't know about as I've not built armor before yet.

Maybe we'll only know when it gets testbuilt.
wel if you could make the neck piece a separete piece. "excuse my english its my second language"
so the you can put it on first with some sort of border on the bottom ore a extensions so you can lock it on to the armor by putting it on first and then the armor over it.

hope you get my point
great work on the model.. i noticed your using metasequoia.. i'd love to know how you go about modeling in metseq. i also use it and have been feeling limited by the program.. althoug its one of the easiest user interfaces ive used EVER.. also.. those models you made, how did you skin them?? cant figure out the UV mapping in metseq.. and theres almost nothing as far as tutorials for it.. @_@ if you have aim or MSN let me know.. or just PM me..
typeZERO said:
wel if you could make the neck piece a separete piece. "excuse my english its my second language"
so the you can put it on first with some sort of border on the bottom ore a extensions so you can lock it on to the armor by putting it on first and then the armor over it.
hope you get my point

I get you. That's a good idea! So the shoulder/chest armor actually holds the coller in place. Great! The collar is just small enough on the mesh to fit through the chest. Though this may not be the case when someone builds one due to layers of Bondo on both the chest and the collar. To make the collar smaller may result in it not fitting over the head. Hmm, I'll have a think. ;) Thanks very much for the input. Oh, the collar is already a seperate part.

Dannifood', I'll PM you with a link to another forum that has a long detailed thread on Meta, from modelling to texturing. ;) I also have something to ask you.

I've added two more parts to the chest now so it's very nearly done.
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