HCS Arlington March 15 - 17

Yes! An ask was props and helmets and such to display. I am waiting on dimensions for the shelves we will have there. Will follow up on this hopefully by end of the week
Any updates on the shelves? I’m almost done printing off the raw marine helmet to display and I also have a couple of other props to display aswell
Any updates on the shelves? I’m almost done printing off the raw marine helmet to display and I also have a couple of other props to display aswell
No updates to give at this time. I am assuming with the event being imminent we just need to plan the best we can for whatever we may have

With this being our first event with HCS in official capacity I would at least as a minimum ask for anything planned for display be fully finished and photos provided to me if necessary to review. I want a high standard of our work being shown with the implications this opportunity will buy us into other in the near future.
No updates to give at this time. I am assuming with the event being imminent we just need to plan the best we can for whatever we may have

With this being our first event with HCS in official capacity I would at least as a minimum ask for anything planned for display be fully finished and photos provided to me if necessary to review. I want a high standard of our work being shown with the implications this opportunity will buy us into other in the near future.
Cool I was thinking of displaying a raw marine helmet print just to show how much work we actually put into our props and armor I was also wondering if we were going to schedule a time to all go visit the venue before actually setting anything up. I just remember you saying that optic said it’s okay to go get a lay of the land the week before and if we are going to plan to go at the same time or individually or what exactly is going on with that.
I'd advise against any raw prints or anything for this event as again, I wanna make sure everything we showcase is of the highest finish quality we can show. :)
I'd advise against any raw prints or anything for this event as again, I wanna make sure everything we showcase is of the highest finish quality we can show. :)
And as for getting a lay of the land at the venue and setting up the booth? Is there a time set for that? I’d like to know so then I know exactly how much time I have this coming week to finish my suit
And as for getting a lay of the land at the venue and setting up the booth? Is there a time set for that? I’d like to know so then I know exactly how much time I have this coming week to finish my suit
They said you can go by there anytime to do so. I was not given specifics.
So is the event happening at the same time all three days? Also unfortunately some stuff came up for my step dad and he’ll only really be there Saturday but I’ll be there all 3 days
So is the event happening at the same time all three days? Also unfortunately some stuff came up for my step dad and he’ll only really be there Saturday but I’ll be there all 3 days
The schedule for the event is on the website for each day but I'd recommend we are on site 30/45 minutes before doors open each day.
Please ensure you're in costume and ready to go by 9:30AM. I would like to aim to arrive no later than 9:00, preferably by 9:00-9:10.

The event schedule is as follows:


With this being our first official partnership with HCS/Optic we expect everyone to be on their absolute best behavior and representation of our community.

Professional conduct is mandatory.
Any violations of our rules or unprofessional behavior will result in removal from the event.
Please ensure you're in costume and ready to go by 9:30AM. I would like to aim to arrive no later than 9:00, preferably by 9:00-9:10.

The event schedule is as follows:

View attachment 344230

With this being our first official partnership with HCS/Optic we expect everyone to be on their absolute best behavior and representation of our community.

Professional conduct is mandatory.
Any violations of our rules or unprofessional behavior will result in removal from the event.
I’m excited and ready! This is gonna be fun :D
Schedule for this morning:
- 9AM: Arrival to venue
- 10AM: Be in costume for team checkin
- 10:30AM: OpTic Nation checkin
- 11:00AM: General admission checkin

Also as a general reminder here are some of the guidelines to follow this weekend:
  1. Please be respectful to all the event goers and staff! Be respectful to everyone that approaches you and make a good impression.
  2. DO NOT AIM WEAPONS AT ANYONE! If someone asks for a photo asking for you to aim your weapon at them kindly tell them we are discouraged from doing that.
  3. No T Bagging! Be professional
While we are primarily here to help the event, we will still get the occasional request to lean more about how we build our armor. If they do, keep the following in mind:
  1. If people are interested in signing up for the 405th be sure to point them to the forums first! Don’t advocate the discord until later!! If they as if we have an Instagram we do it’s 405thinfantry
  2. If people ask where they can buy something on display or being carried, direct them instead that the forum is free to join and has files, templates, guides, tutorials, and a community that is here to help them make their own stuff.
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